
Sunday, July 5, 2015

New Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Pictures

New pictures Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice have been released by Entertainment Weekly and they show us clear images of Wonder Woman's costume, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, and more. Below are the pictures and my thoughts about them.
This is our best look at the new Wonder Woman costume, and I am not sure what to think. The skirt thing is a little short, even for Wonder Woman, but I like the color. Of course, if you look at Entertainment Weekly's other covers of recent movies, the pictures used do not exactly represent the final product in the film, so I assume Snyder will add his patented filter that washes away all color in post production. As for Batman's costume, it looks a little ridiculous from this picture, but again, it will look better in the final product, and Superman's costume is still basically the same.

So, this Batman's face off with Superman. I hope they make it believable how Batman can fight Superman.
 The Batman is not changed much from the original, so that's good.

Bruce and Diana at a social gathering of some kind. I wonder how big a part she will play in the film.

Finally, a clear look at Jessie as Lex Luthor, with red hair. I am still not sold on him in the role yet.

Nothing new here.

A picture of Affleck and Snyder talking about something, but we all know who's the better director. I hope Affleck helps him out.

Here is a cool picture put together by someone in the IGN comments.

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  1. I can't wait, looks really impressive!

  2. Cool pictures! :) Looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman in the movie! :)


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