
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Movie Music and More #17

Today's Movie Music and More is about one of my personal favorite soundtracks, and it is one that I listen to often. Hiroyuki Sawano composes the score, and it is my favorite of his work. He combines many genres from Danny Elfman type scores, to rock, to oriental, most of which blends together brilliantly. Listen to one of my favorite tracks below.

Of the score, Nui Harime's theme is easily the most haunting. It reminds me of a Danny Elfman score combined with hints of rock and electronic beats mixed in. It is almost playful in nature, yet eeirely haunting, which perfectly compliments Nui's character. The track takes a few seconds to get going, but when it does, it is some truly great work by the composer.

Nonon Jakuzure's theme effectively captures the marching band feel, while simultaneously throwing in some slightly techno distorted sounds, resulting in one rather bombastic score. Aside from the appealing cadence and general bombastic sound that you would expect from a march band, it is the type of track that I can listen to on a loop many times without tiring of it.

Among the score, Blumenkranz is the one that is most often praised, and I can most certainly understand why, because it is utterly superb. While listening to the song on its own is quite good, it is even more effective when used as the villain's main theme, making it one of my favorite villain themes in recent memory. The lyrics are in German, which makes the song all the more ominous. 

Uzu Sanageyama's theme is fittingly fast, fun, and heavily influenced by the oriental aspect of the character. Again, some minor electronic distortion is mixed in there to rather great effect along with some background chanting. While not the best of the score, it is rather good and fun to listen to. 

Another villain type theme titled, Satsuki Kiryuin's theme, and it very bombastic and imposing, just like the character. It perfectly captures the militaristic overlord feel that it is trying to convey. Later in the track, there are some fun guitar notes, which I am very fond of. 

There are several other tracks from the series, particularly the song "Don't Lose Your Way," however, I wanted to focus more on the more orchestral music opposed to the songs, which are still really good for the most. 

What did you think of the soundtrack of Kill la Kill? Please let me know in the comments!

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  1. This show has one of the best soundtracks!! I love that first one especially, since I love Danny Elfman!

  2. I really liked that first one too -- the others didn't really grab me, but that one was super.


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