
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Marvel Comic Covers by Foreign Artists

With Ant-Man releasing in theaters this weekend, let's look at some amazing official art of Marvel characters. In upcoming re-releases of notable Marvel comic issues, famous foreign artists provide their renditions on Marvel's iconic heroes, and the results are both unique and stunning. These covers are by various Japanese comic book artists, and their unique style of drawing provides a different look at some of our favorite heroes.

One of my favorites are the Spider-Man covers by One-Punch Man artist Yusuke Murata. He combines a very classic style of Spider-Man with a subtle Asian flair. Nightow's cover of Guardians of Knowhere #3 featuring Venom is a perfect fit for his style, since Venom's powers are visually similar to the characters from his work. Lastly, Imaishi Hiroyuki’s cover of Planet Hulk uses his skill of portraying powerful visual energy in still images that he used so well in his work. Seeing many of my favorite Marvel heroes drawn in the anime/manga style is like the ultimate collection "fanart" by some of the best foreign artists. What do you think of them? Please comment below and let me know.

Planet Hulk #4 by Imaishi Hiroyuki (Kill La Kll, NGE, FLCL)

Ant-Man: Last Days variant cover by Q Hayashida (Dorohedoro)

Guardians of Knowhere #3 cover by Yasuhiro Nightow (Trigun, Blood Blockade Battlefront)

Silk #7 variant cover by Gurihiru (Power Pack, Fantastic Four)

Weirdworld #4 by Ken Niimura

Old Man Logan #4by Homare

A-Force #4 by Toshirou (hentai artist)

Spider-Island by Yusuke Murata (One-Punch Man, Eyeshield 21)

All-New Hawkeye #5 by Chiki Ogata (Landreaall )

GROOT #3 by Superlog

ULTIMATE END #4 by  Karmome Shirahama (Endevi)

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4 by Yusuke Murata (One-Punch Man)

Civil War #3 by Katsuya Terada (The Monkey King, Blood the Last Vampire)

Source: Crunchyroll

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved seeing artwork for my favorite stories from other countries (such as the covers for Jedi Quest and The Last of the Jedi) and these art works are all really good! :)


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