
Monday, June 15, 2015

Movie Music and More #14: "The Great Escape" (1963)

Hello!  Here I am again to discuss some more awesome movie music with you.  Today I'm focusing on an iconic score from one of the best WWII movies ever:  The Great Escape (1963).

One of the jauntiest, most swaggering theme songs of all time.  It's almost impossible not to whistle along with it once you know the tune.  

Of course, it's by the master of exciting, macho movie music from the '60s, namely Elmer Bernstein.  Yes, the same guy who wrote the unforgettable theme for The Magnificent Seven (1960) and so many other brilliant scores.  (Truth is, Elmer Bernstein is my absolute favorite movie composer, so it's a little surprising to me that it's taken me this long to talk about one of his scores here.)

If you've never seen The Great Escape, do yourself a favor and go watch it, cuz it's a classic war movie that blends caper films and prison escapes, and stars so many wonderful actors I get a little dizzy thinking of all that talent in one place.  Steve McQueen.  James Garner.  James Coborn.  Charles Bronson.  Richard Attenborough.  David McCallum.  Directed by John Sturges!  Based on a true story!  Like I said, go watch it.

It's a little tough to find tracks from this on YouTube to share, so here's a video that has three separate tracks, which range from quiet to very exciting to contemplative.  It gives you a pretty good idea of the range of the whole soundtrack, at least.

That's all I've got for today, folks!


  1. One of my favorite theme songs of all time! We had to watch the movie in 7th grade in German Language and I feel in love! (especially since it was long enough to last a whole week lol)

    1. Matthew -- did you watch it dubbed into German? Either way, it's so wonderful, isn't it?

    2. Actually we didn't (I didn't even know that was an option)! You think that would be more practical in a German Class lol. But like you said, It's a wonderful yet sad movie!

    3. Oh, I don't know if it's been dubbed into German -- I was kind of wondering if it had been, since you watched it in German class :-)

  2. I love this soundtrack. Definitely in my top five favorites. :) You mentioned on your other blog that you bought a two-disc soundtrack set - where on earth did you find it??? I've looked everywhere for even a one-disc soundtrack...nothing. I'd love to have the full thing to listen to when I'm washing dishes or baking cookies. :)

    1. Eva, I was mistaken -- it's a 3-CD set! I bought it from a place called Intrada that releases some of the most wonderful (and obscure) soundtracks. They have good sales from time to time, but right now the 3-CD set is only $19.99. Here's a direct link for you :-)

    2. That's going on my to-buy list for sure!

  3. I really enjoyed The Great Escape, and when I first heard that catchy theme song I decided I had to get it. Another splendid post.

    1. Isaac Benjamin, isn't that theme song just the most perfect thing to whistle while you walk somewhere? It instantly brightens any journey.

      Glad you liked my post :-)


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