
Monday, May 25, 2015

What Are Your Favorite TV Shows?

What are your favorite TV Shows of the past season? Essentially, today's post is about me wanting to know what are your favorite recently ended or currently airing TV shows. In the coming weeks, I plan to review many of the series that I have recently watched, including, The Flash, Forever, Agents of SHIELD, and several more. 

I want to know what your favorites are both as recommendations for myself and to know what TV shows are popular and which ones I should write about. So, please, if you would, let me know in the comments what are some of your favorite TV shows from the recent season. Thanks everyone for participating, and check back tomorrow for my review of The Flash - Season 1 and Wednesday for the first part of my Top 25 TV Shows of 2015-14.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. This year? Defo The Flash, which has been fun every week. I've also thought this year's Walking Dead to be amazing. Agents of SHIELD continues to be solid entertainment. The new series of Penny Dreadful is fun too. As for quality drama: True Detective, Ray Donovan and The Affair have all been ace.

  2. I hardly watch any TV, I wish I had HBO to watch Game of Thrones!

    But my two favorite shows on TV are 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' & 'Orange is the New Black'! Always Sunny is probably in my top 5 favorite TV shows of all time! Love the dialog!

  3. Ah, so many (or so it feels like): Castle, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Flash, Agent Carter, Arrow, Elementary, and NCIS.
    Okay, so maybe not that many.

  4. CW: Arrow, The Flash (season 1 was incredible), and I've heard very good things about The 100 so I plan on watching it this summer.
    ABC: Modern Family, Agents of SHIELD
    NBC: Hannibal (best show on TV now that Breaking Bad is over IMO)
    Fox: New Girl, Brooklyn Nine Nine (probably the funniest show on TV)
    AMC: Walking Dead, Better Call Saul
    Netflix: House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Daredevil
    HBO: Game of Thrones, True Detective
    BBC: Orphan Black
    Other: Community

  5. ABC's "Last Man Standing"-proof that "The Big 3" Networks can still do funny-and Tim Allen playing off of and against Héctor Elizondo is just too DAMN funny.

  6. Since I have no cable, I can't watch these shows as they come out, not very well, (Mom and I race to put new seasons on hold at the library so we get a new copy before someone else can scratch up the discs!) I do love Castle (high recommended that your family catch up with it if you all can, it's funny and smart and awesome.) I love Modern Family to pieces because it is hysterical. Downton Abbey is exceptional. Obviously, The Walking Dead is a show I can't miss! I still love You-Know-What, though I'm terribly behind this season. ;) I guess I keep up with Family Guy too, though I know you won't be watching that. :P I can't think of anything else going on right now (recommendation for an oldie: FRASIER. AND WATCH THE OFFICE. BECAUSE DWIGHT. ) :D


  7. This is a really good post idea! I'll have to check the comments to see what shows people have been watching as well.
    For me, I'm really enjoyed/enjoyed
    Supernatural (getting caught up on the 10th season, which just had it's finale; season 11 can't come soon enough!)
    Agents of SHIELD
    Agent Carter
    Downton Abbey
    Doctor Who
    Once Upon A Time (though the show's quality has went really down hill since it went off the deep end).
    Modern Family (need to get caught up on it)

  8. Right now the only show in circulation I watch is Game of Thrones. Looking forward to another dump of Orange is the New Black. I will also tune into under the dome. Shows still running I like are
    Vikings, House of Cards, Walking Dead, and Outlander.

    Historicly I have some faves with clips here.
    My Top Shelf
    1)The Wire
    2)The Sopranos
    4)Breaking Bad
    7)Walking Dead
    8) Battle star Galacticia
    10) Rockford Files

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The only ones I've watched this year have been Agents of SHIELD and Forever. I've heartily enjoyed both, and am so disappointed that Forever has been cancelled :-( :-( :-(

  11. Thanks everyone for letting me know! I plan to tally up the results from this post and other social media websites to see what everyone likes the most.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.