
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Movie Music and More #12: "Cinderella" (2015)

Hamlette here again, ready to share another awesome soundtrack with you.  This time, it's my newest acquisition, Patrick Doyle's soaring score for Cinderella (2015).  Doyle is one of my favorite film composers, and he definitely did not disappoint me here.

A movie crammed with lush, vibrant detail like this one demands an equally glorious score, and Doyle delivers exactly that.  He tends to favor richly orchestral music, which fits perfectly with this fairy tale world.  Here is one of my two favorite tracks -- I love how it combines a simple, innocent theme with a bolder, richer one.  A lovely musical picture of humble Cinderella joining her famous prince.  I also love that this track includes a little of the song "Lavender's Blue," because that song is really important to the movie's plot.  I do wish there was a vocal version on the soundtrack, but at least it's here a little, beginning at 2:14.

My other favorite track is "Pumpkin Pursuit."  It has all the excitement you'd expect for a good chase scene, with an eager strings section that carries things merrily along.  At the very beginning, it utilizes this little 4-note theme that sounds like the word "Cinderella," and I absolutely love that theme.

In fact, I really wanted that 4-note "Cinderella" theme to be on the soundtrack more because it's used in a beautiful song for one of the trailers.  Happily, you can buy that song as an mp3 single called "Aeon," which I did.  You can listen to it here, and I definitely recommend it because it's such an emotionally evocative track, at least for me.  

That's all for today, folks!


  1. Pumpkin Pursuit is great!! Wow! I love it!

    1. It really gives you the feeling of galloping horses and a careening carriage, doesn't it?


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