
Monday, May 4, 2015

May the 4th be with You!

May the 4th be with You! Happy national Star Wars day everyone! 2015 is already an exciting year for Star Wars fan with Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out this December and the announcement of a Star Wars: Rogue One film set for a later date. Honestly, the fact that we are getting a new Star Wars film has yet to sink in. After expecting Revenge of the Sith to be the last film in the franchise, it is amazing to think that we are getting more Star Wars! Before Disney buying Star Wars, I never expected there to ever be any more Star Wars outside of the TV shows and books, but alas, here we are, awaiting the next chapter in one of the defining stories in the history of fiction.

Unfortunately, it seems that that Rogue One is having production issues with director, Josh Trank leaving the project. According to Hollywood Reporter, Trank "made a personal decision" to leave the project. Maybe there were some creative differences behind the scenes, but I am a little disappointed by his departure. Additionally, the film's original release date of December 2016 might be delayed, although that is not necessarily a bad thing in itself. 

Lastly, you can watch all 13 episodes of Star Wars Rebels on Star by clicking here; however, it will only be free for today. When season two rolls around I will probably get around to reviewing the first season. I can say that it starts out a little rough but gets good later in the series.

P.S. If everything goes well, I will hopefully have an Age of Ultron review up by the end of the week after I go see it at some point soon.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I love the fourth but in a Neal Stephenson kind of way lament that someone owns it.

  2. I love the fourth but in a Neal Stephenson kind of way lament that someone owns it.

  3. May the Fourth Be With You and Happy Star Wars Day! Star Wars is the best.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.