
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Marvel Trivia

In celebration of Age of Ultron's release, today will be Marvel Trivia day! As expected, below are several trivia questions, and if you answer correctly, you will be mentioned in next week's answer post. You can try to answer one or all of the questions; it does not matter. 

What is the first Marvel (not just MCU) film to feature a Post-Credits scene?

What Marvel film did Stan Lee first cameo in?

What Marvel TV show did Stan first cameo in?

Who was the first actor to play Nick Fury in live-action?

Which actor did the Ultimate universe comics base the appearance of Nick Fury on?

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. First after credits scene: X-Men: Last Stand
    First Movie Cameo: X-Men
    First TV Show cameo: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (T.R.A.C.K.S), but you can also say Ultimate Spider-Man, because he's been a recurring character on there.
    First actor to play Nick Fury in a live action film: the guy who played Magnum, *I think*
    Actor Ultimates based Fury's apperance on: Samuel L. Jackson

  2. I'm going to say Samuel L Jackson was the first person to portray Nick Fury in live action...


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