
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Agent Carter is Returning for Another Season!

After the Agents of SHIELD finale, it was revealed that Agent Carter will be returning next year! Despite the poor ratings, Marvel and ABC has decided to bring back the fan favorite series, which surprised many viewers, myself included. Apparently, the originally rumored Mockingbird and Hunter spinoff has been put on hold, and Agent Carter returns instead; I am not complaining! According to ABC's Paul Lee, there is still the possibility of the spinoff at a later date, but not right now. However, the best part of this news is that Agent Carter is back! Right now, Marvel has gone from lagging behind DC on the small-screen to almost dominating them. The Flash and Arrow are still among my favorite series on TV, but Agents of SHIELD has been positively amazing in its second half and you can read why Daredevil is a must-watch in my review of it tomorrow. Also, I really need to finish writing my review of Agent Carter season 1. What do you think of the Agent Carter news? And please check back tomorrow for my review of Daredevil.

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  1. I am very glad that they are bringing Agent Carter back. I hope they do not run it into the ground and change it a bunch, and I hope they ease off the feminism angle. Agent Carter in my opinion is the best Marvel TV series to date. I am looking forward to seeing season 2.

    1. I do know that it is going to be set in LA and not NYC, but if the same writers come back, I think it will be just as good. However, I would say that Daredevil is their best series, but until I saw that, I agree, Agent Carter was their best.


  2. Series 1 was fun but hopefully less Howard this time. I also hope the fabulous Dottie returns too!

    1. Considering that Cooper is starring in something else right now, he will probably on serve as a cameo.


  3. If I was watching Agent Carter I'm sure I would be ecstatic. XD

  4. I saw this earlier this week and I am definitely excited! :D Loved the show and I can't wait to see more!! :D YAYAY! :D


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