
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ant-Man Trailer 2

The first full trailer for Ant-Man is here, and it reveals a lot more about the plot. The best aspect of this trailer is how well the special effects work. Ant-Man's abilities seem as though they are going to be amazing to watch on the big screen. However, considering how few lines Paul Rudd has in the trailer makes me question whether or not he can pull off the dramatic scenes, because all of his lines in the trailer are comedic, which we know he is great at. The antagonist, Yellowjacket, looks a lot like Ultron in design. It makes me wonder if Ultron is going to have a connection to the film or that all of Marvel's robotic suits are based on Iron Man. Michael Douglas is excellent as expected, and Evangeline Lilly looks like she is going to be fun to watch, except that her hair looks strange. Also, the train gag at the end is genuinely funny, so good job. While some might say that Ant-Man is going to be Marvel's first failure, until I see the film for myself, I am still confident that Ant-Man will at least be a fun film. What do you think of the trailer? Please comment below, and let me know what you think of my screenshot album below, and whether or not you rather see them in the post or in gallery format (please let me know if it does not work). 

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  1. I'm pretty excited for this! Finally an interesting superhero with some unique powers! Still wish Edgar Wright were directing this but this doesn't look too bad without him, actually!

    1. Glad you are excited as well! Ant-Man's powers are very unique.


  2. Cool! :) Looks like an interesting movie! :)

  3. As someone who has kind of talked poorly about this film for the last few months I can't believe that this trailer got me excited for it.

    That Thomas the Train Engine gag at the end was hilarious.

    1. Glad to see that this trailer has changed your opinion of the film.

      And yes, that gag was perfect!



  4. The trailer has done it's job well! Now I'm excited to see Ant-Man at the theater, it will look amazing!


  5. Ha, that actually looks pretty good!

  6. Awesome review, James! I'm starting to get a little excited for Ant-Man, even if it's one of the films that I keep forgetting come out this year *oops*.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.