
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reader's Choice

Reader's Choice is back again! Please vote from the following movies and list posts for which ones you want to see in the coming months. Also, please do not forget to check back tomorrow for my review of Lucy (2014) and Wednesday for the final part of my Top 10 Comedies list.

New Movie Reviews:
3 Days to Kill
Draft Day
Hercules (2014)
Olympus Has Fallen
When the Game Stands Tall

TV Reviews:
Agent Carter
Board Chruch: Season 1
The Librarians: Season 1

Older Movie Reviews:
12 Angry Men
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Conan the Barbarian (2011)
The Expendables (1)
The French Connection
Metropolis (1927) 
Night of the Living Dead

Top Lists (vote for only one of these):
Top 25 Action Movies
Top 25 Fantasy Movies
Top 25 Sci-Fi Movies
Top 10 Movie Heroes
Top 10 Movie Villains
Top 10 Soundtrack Composers

My previous lists:
Top 10 Comedies: Part 1
Top 10 Comedies: Part 2

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. For New Movie: When the Game Stands Tall
    For TV Review: The Librarians
    For Older Movie: Metropolis (think you should try more silent films)--although you're rather spoiled for choice.
    For Top List: Movie Villains (it's always good to be bad).

  2. I'd love to see your review of The Librarians, and your Top Ten Movie Villains!

  3. Night of the Living Dead & Soundtrack Composers!

  4. I really want to hear your thoughts on Agent Carter! :D For the lists...hmmmm....maybe Top 10 Heroes? (it's a hard choice).

  5. I'd like to read all your TV reviews, but mostly Agent Carter I think. :) And your top 25 sci-fi movies!

  6. Top Ten Movie Villains! The Expendables and Board Church. :D


  7. For Movie Reviews: Hercules, and Olympus has fallen if you want a good laugh! Olympus was so bad it was very funny. My favorite scene ever is when the asian big bad guy takes off his glasses. Priceless! :)

    For TV Review: Definitely Agent Carter. I am curious to know what you thought of it.

    For Older Movies: Well, perhaps french connection. Have you seen Around the World in 80 Days by Michael Todd? it is a epic older movie that I really recomend.

    Top Lists: Totally a Top 10 Villains list!!! I would really like that.

    1. No, I have not seen Around the World in 80 Days, but I will have to check it out!


  8. New Movie - Olympus has fallen, I have reviewed it so interesting to see your take
    TV - The librarians, spiritual successor to Santuary, but better.
    Old Movie: The French Connection, does it have legs?
    Top Ten Movie Heros - spolier my number one is Bubbles from the Trailor Park Boys


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.