
Monday, March 9, 2015

Mr. Holmes Trailer Review

Mr. Holmes, the most recent Sherlock Holmes adaptation that is set to hit theaters later this year, is a film that follows an elderly version of the famed detective as his ingenious mind begins to fade. My initial impression of this teaser is that it going to be more of a character piece rather than a classic Sherlock mystery, and while the trailer makes the film appear to be almost Oscar Bait, if executed well, Mr. Holmes could be brilliant take on the classic detective. Sir Ian McKellen plays the titular hero, and if you are going to cast an elderly Holmes, there is absolutely no one better for the role. Bill Condon directs the film, as well as co-writes the screenplay, and he has won Academy Awards for screenplays, so he is a proven and capable filmmaker. The film is based on the novel A Slight Trick of the Mind by Mitch Cullin, and while I have not read it, it is generally considered to be one of the better Sherlock stories that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did not write. Oddly enough, the film has already been screened in Berlin to generally positive reviews, so maybe this is already an Oscar contender. Even though an Oscar winning drama is great and all, I am hoping that the film's mystery will be engaging and worth solving to go along with the dramatic character elements. Other than that, I will have to wait for either another trailer or reviews from more trusted sources before deciding on my opinion of the film; after all, this is only a teaser trailer. What did you think of it? Please comment below and let me know. Also, do not forget to check back tomorrow for my review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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  1. This looks rather interesting and original. In an age of reboots this is not-quite a reboot, but a fresh look at a
    familiar subject. (p.s. I really think you should make another blog for your Anime. I am not a anime person and it is weird to see anime clips on my blogger news feed.)

    1. True, I really do hope that Mr. Holmes will turn out as well as we hope, because it could be amazing.

      Within a month or so I will have decided whether or not making another blog will be viable.


  2. FINALLY a trailer for this... I'm with you, I need more before forming an opinion. I don't know if I'll like it or not just from this but I like Sir Ian so I hope I'll like him as Sherlock. I'm not all that thrilled as seeing so much of the little boy, I hope he's not in it too much (that probably sound awful of me). I also hope the mystery will be a good one. Also. Where is Dr. Watson. 8-|


    1. From what I know about the book, Watson will not be in this, and I completely agree that I hope that boy does not ruin the movie.


  3. Awesome! :) Definitely excited for this movie! :) Ian McKellen should be amazing. Do you know if John Watson is in the story?

    1. Apparently, Watson is not in this, or at least not the source material. But yeah, Ian McKellen should be amazing in the role. :)


  4. I'm so undecided about this film. I love Ian McKellen and I love Sherlock Holmes, but I read the book it's based on a while ago and it depressed me. An aging, faltering Holmes whose mind is fading... it was heart-breaking (more of my thoughts on it here).

    As for whether Watson will be in this, IIRC the book took place after he was dead, and Mrs. Hudson too.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.