
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shorter Reviews and New List System!

Lately, J and J Productions has been increasingly dull and lacking in quality content, and in the hopes of making the blog more entertaining again, I am introducing two new concepts going forward. The first is shorter reviews. While most current films and classics will continue to receive full in-depth reviews, movies, television series, and other content that either do not require as much content written about them or ones that people are not as interested in, will have shorter reviews. These reviews are still going to be plenty long enough to provide a proper review, but they will be well under the 1000 words of my typical review. To achieve this, I will cut out certain categories that are not important to the overall opinion like the "Good" and "Bad" and other parts that add unnecessary length to the review. Hopefully, this shorter format will make reviewing certain things that I would normally just skip easier, as well as making my reviews faster and more accessible to read. 
On Tuesday, I will be posting a mid-season review of The Flash to test out the concept, and with this concept, hopefully it will mean more movie and TV reviews that you want to read.
My other idea is to change how my lists are structured. Even though ranking the actual lists is one of my favorite things to do, writing why I like each one is difficult, and it takes forever. To fix this, I will write abridged reviews for each film on the list with three or four categories that are the most important to note about a particular film. Using this format will hopefully lead to a more interesting posts, and since I will either be writing mini-reviews or using edited excerpts from my reviews, it will hopefully make the process faster and higher in quality. Also, I might post the lists with fewer rankings per-list, but the posting rate should be more consistent and frequent. I do not want to unnecessarily stretch lists out, but shorter posts with higher quality content will both allow me to continue regularly and make the daily reading faster.

Below is a quick example of the concept (skip if you want to read the list next week). It is from next week's Top 10 Comedies list, and tomorrow's Top 10 Romance Movies: Part 1 will be the first list to test this method. On Friday and Saturday I will also post some lists for Valentine's Day about the Top 10 Romance movies and Top 5 Romance Anime. 

9: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is, hands down, the funniest Christmas movie ever, for at least, and my favorite in the National Lampoon's Vacation series. Also, I considered including Elf on this list, but I am not sure if it is enough of a comedy to be included.
Acting: 8.5/10- Chevy Chase as Clark W. "Sparky" Griswold, Jr., arguably his most iconic role, gives his best performance of the franchise with even a scene or two of surprisingly competent drama, but of course his comedy scenes are the highlight. Randy Quaid returns as Cousin Eddie, and if you have seen any of the Vacation films, you know that he is always the best part!
Humor: 9.4/10- Christmas Vacation is full of the jokes and humor that you come to expect from the franchise. Even though humor lies more in the cleanish lowbrow territory, which is not what I usually enjoy, it makes me laugh, and it is the type of film that is enjoyed most while other watching it with others. 
Overall: 8.1/10- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the principle of comical Christmas disasters with plenty of humorous Holiday antics.

What do you think of my new plans? Please give me feedback in the comments and check back in the following days for my Weekend of Romance where I will be counting down the best romance stories of all-time with the three upcoming posts.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. These sound like great ideas!! Can't wait to see how you put them into action! :D

    PS can't wait to read your top 5 romance anime!!

  2. I think they sound workable and sensible :-)

  3. This sounds like a good idea. I was wondering. Have you ever seen The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Sean Connery? I would enjoy a review of it.

    1. Well, I watched movie a very long time ago, and I remember enjoying it to a degree. However, I don't think I could review now, but if I re-watch it, I will be sure to review. Thanks for the request!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.