
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fantastic Four Trailer Review

Well, maybe this new Fantastic Four movie will not turn out to be all that bad. For numerous reasons, I am extremely skeptical about this new Fantastic Four film. Even though Fox has redeemed themselves with X-Men: Days of the Future being one of the best movies of last year, this F4 (Fantastic Four) film is straying very far away from the original source material. While this is not necessarily problem in itself, since X-Men: First Class did so with a lot of success, certain elements key elements seem to be changed for absolutely no reason. Among other things, the characters are all young. However, the F4 are known for being an older team, who are more like a family, and making them in their 20s is a mistake. Also, there are rumors that Doctor Doom is going to a hacker; he is supposed to be the ruler of a country, not a hacker! Plus, the characters do not seem to have received their powers from a traveling to space! Lastly, the Thing needs some pants!
With all that out of the way, there are certain elements that I do like. For one, the cast is all around well... fantastic! Miles Teller, Jamie Bell, and Michael B. Jordan have previously been praised for their performances in various smaller films, and while I have not seen much of Toby Kebbell, other than his motion capture performance in the recent Planet of the Apes film (review for that later this week), he has the potential to be great with the right direction. Speaking of which, director, Josh Trank, is often praised for his film Chronicle, and he will be directing one of the upcoming Star Wars standalone films. With so much young talent behind the film, maybe, just maybe this drastically different take on the Fantastic Four could work. Of course, I am still extremely skeptical, but this teaser did an excellent job at setting the tone of the film, and it is certainly makes me excited to see in August! What do you think of the teaser trailer? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. This looks so intense wow.

    Well, the first versions of the film were....well....yeah no. So I'm sorta glad they're doing this movie. I'm pretty excited honestly. I freaking adored Chronicle so I bet he's going do great with this.

    1. I guess I did forget to mention how terrible the original films were, haha. At least they can't be worse than that!


  2. Not a bad trailer if you ignore the original comic books. They're changing a lot of the story, but it's a fresh take. I enjoyed the first two movies (yeah, yeah, the effects are dated nowadays) in the context of being faithful to the comics. I guess when you need to restart a franchise anything goes and I'll probably check this one out. Seeing (and complaining) about the differences is half the fun. Thanks for posting!

    1. True, hopefully this will give us a refreshing take on the story.


  3. I liked the trailer. I don't know if it'll really be good, but I'm almost positive that I'll like it more than the other F4 movies! :D How could making them be in their 20's be a mistake if it means casting Miles Teller and Jamie Bell?? ;) And it's the director of Chronicle? That makes it sound even more promising!

    1. Oh yeah, nothing could be worse than the original movies! :D At least it is not like they cast a bunch of people who can't act like a lot of movies with a young cast.


  4. Considering I'm not that familiar with the origin and I only saw the first film once (didn't really care for it, Christ Evans' character was my favorite part and he was jerk, lol) so I'm on neutral right now. I will no doubt see it in theaters because its Marvel but I'll let it convince me it was worth revisiting. :) At least the trailer does look very good in terms of atmosphere. :)


  5. I think it's based on the Ultimates! It's looks....interesting. I'm holding out reservation until the second trailer!

    1. I still thought the Ultimates used a lot of the original origin, although that was a while back when I read it.


  6. I think it's different enough to keep me interested, looks like they are going for an Ultimate's version of the characters.

    1. True. It's been a while since I read their Ultimate's comic, so I don't remember much of the specifics.


  7. I enjoy Marvel more than DC due to a more humane storyline presented. I hope DC will do the same.


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