
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Movies and Stress Relief: A Speech

You may remember my Doctor Who speech that I made for Speech Class, which I posted about a few months ago, and this is the second speech for that classic, where I discuss stress and how watching movies can help you relieve stress. Since I had to do the speech in one long take, my delivery is not as refined as I would like, but I still received a 98/100 for the speech. Looking back at this video, I look a lot different without a beard, haha. On a personal note, watching movies, television, and anime, along with writing, is the main, and often the only, way that I am able to relieve stress. It might not work for everyone, but for me, it does. Please tell me what you think of the video in the comments, and check back tomorrow for when I give you six reasons why you should be watching the best show on television.

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  1. This was fantastic; and I can completely agree! In 2013, my life was extremely stressful/depressing and my biggest stress reliever was movies and tv shows. The Office made me laugh even when I was miserable and I still cycle through my favorite comedies because I do feel so much better after having a good laugh! So, it was really neat to hear your research with scientific backup! I'm glad you got such a high score, too!

    You do look different without your beard, haha!! :D


    1. Thank you! I was also surprised by how much scientific fact behind how watching movies helps with stress.


  2. Nice James! Watching movies is my favorite stress reliever. Two minutes into Master and Commander and I'm there! And recently I found that I always sleep better after a late night viewing of a CSI: NY rerun.... but that may or may not be only because of how late it keeps me up. :P

    1. Thank you Sarah! I almost always end my day watching either TV, movies, or anime, so I definitely know what you mean.


  3. (sorry for commenting a little late, I had class for a lot of the day).
    Great speech! :) I agree, watching movies/TV shows and reading books is definitely very helpful at relieving stress. It was also cool to hear about stress in your speech since I learned about it last semester in my health class.


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