
Monday, January 12, 2015

Looking Ahead: 2015

While 2014 was a spectacular year for geeks of all kinds, 2015 is setting up to even top last year with several top movies and final seasons of favorite television shows.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
It is no secret that the Star Wars franchise is my all-time favorite work of fiction, particularly the Original Trilogy, and nothing is more exciting than more Star Wars to watch in the cinemas. While many are skeptical, I am remaining optimistic for several reasons. For one, Disney has turned Marvel into an even more impressive franchise than I could have ever hoped for. From the Avengers to the Winter Soldier, Disney and Marvel are crafting cinematic classics, and I believe that they can do the same with Star Wars. Secondly, J.J. Abrams is a fan of Star Wars, and just like how Peter Jackson turned the Lord of the Rings novels into three of the best films ever, I have confidence in Abrams' abilities, along with the writers. Lastly, everything that has been released about the film, except for the lack of connection with the EU, is amazing and exactly what I want to hear.

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Joss Whedon returns to director Avengers film and since Whedon has yet to disappoint us yet, is there any reason for Age of Ultron not to be the best film of the summer? Seriously, the Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy were incredible, and now Whedon will hopefully even surpass the original Avengers. 

Marvel on Netflix
Marvel is not just delivering on the big screen, but also on Netflix. Even though it is unfortunate for non-Netflix subscribers that the series are not airing on television, hopefully Netflix will produce some exceptional small screen miniseries with Daredevil and Jessica Jones coming later this year. In addition to that is the currently airing Agent Carter, which is fantastic so far.

Various New Movies
As you will hear in the (hopefully) upcoming live-stream about the year's top films, aside from the two listed above, there are still several new movies that I am excited to see!

Anime Sequels
Including the currently airing sequels, Aldnoah.Zero 2, Durarara!!x2 Shou, JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders 2, and Kuroko no Basket 3, 2015 is set to feature several more sequels that I am hyped for! From Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season to Knights of Sidonia, there is going to be plenty of new anime that I cannot wait to see. Unfortunately, we will have to wait another year for Attack on Titan season two though.

Doctor Who Season 9
As revealed in the Christmas special, The Doctor and Clara return for another season! Hopefully, season nine will have worked out the issues that season eight had and feature more of the brilliant chemistry between Clara and Twelve.

Parks and Recreation's Final Season
After watching Guardians of the Galaxy, I was hooked on a feeling and I was high on believing that I needed more Chris Pratt and to satisfy that feeling (yeah, bad joke but I couldn't resist!), I discovered Parks and Recreation, a hilarious comedy, co-starring Chris Pratt, from the creators of the Office about the Parks and Rec department in the small town named Pawnee. From the lovable characters to the wide variety of humor, Parks and Rec quickly became my favorite comedy series. Even though I am dreading the upcoming series finale, it has been an amazing ride thus far, and I doubt it will disappoint.

Broadchurch Season 2 
Earlier this month, I watched season one of Broadchurch on Netflix and suffice to say, it was brilliant, for the most part anyway. Apparently, the series is already airing in the UK, but the US will not get it until March 4th. Obviously, I am excited to see where the series goes next, and maybe, I will write a review for the first season soon.

What are you looking forward to in 2015? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. Awesome list, James! I can't wait till The Force Awakens comes out: we went to see BOTFA, and they showed a trailer for SW, and I got goosebumps and chills; it was amazing. I also have faith that the movies will be good. I just absolutely can't wait until Age of Ultron comes out-it looks amazing! I currently do not have Netflix, but probably eventually will *fingers crossed*, so I might get to watch Daredevil. Sadly, they're apparently taking DW off :(
    Yes! New season of Doctor Who. I can't wait to see where this series heads, and I'm definitely counting down the days-well, not really since there's no release date. We'll also probably see Terminator: Genesis (yes I know that's not how you spell it, but the spelling irritates me, so, whatever) somehow, since my Dad has watched the trailer for it about 1000 times....
    Excellent list, James!

    1. Thanks Tegan! I hope they show the Star Wars trailer when I go see BOTFA! :)
      I think everyone agrees that Age of Ultron is going to be amazing!


  2. Great list! :D
    I'm not going to watch the new Star Wars movies, which feels weird, but I just can't :( (because of the EU being destroyed, which I'm still upset about). I hope you enjoy them though.
    YESSS, very excited for the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie- it seems like it should definitely be awesome. Glad to hear that you are liking Agent Carter as well- I'm loving it so far as well and I can't wait to see more of it! :D What are some of your thoughts on that show? Also very excited for Doctor Who season 9(more 12 and Clara! :D YAY!), though I do wish Attack on Titan season 2 would come out sooner. I've heard a lot of good things about Broadchurch and I have it on my to-watch list and I plan to watch it eventually as well. :)

    1. Thank you! :D
      I have a very mixed opinion of what they are doing with the EU, but that I really can't explain in one comment though.
      I agree, Agent Carter was fantastic! I hope that I will feel like writing a review for it soon, but in short, it was excellent! :)


  3. I can't wait for Star Wars to get back on its feet again after 2005 and with The Avengers sequel by its side, I would only hope that 2015 is going to be the best year of the movies!

    I'm very excited for the both of them that will be released at anytime soon.

  4. Nice list! Obviously, I'm excited for Star Wars and Age of Ultron -- who isn't? -- but I'm also very excited for Parks and Rec (I binge-watched it for the first time while waiting for GotG :D) and Broadchurch! I saw the first season when it aired here, and was surprised that there was going to be a second season, but I'm not complaining. :D I'm really interested to see where they go from there, and very happy at the addition of James D'Arcy to the already fantastic cast!

    1. Thanks! It's great to see another Parks and Rec fan! :D I love that show so much! And I am not sure what Broadchurch season 2 is going to be like, but I am excited.


  5. You know my thoughts on the big ones already, so I'll comment on the others:


    I still need to watch the Christmas Special, but as of right now, I'm looking forward to the new season of Doctor Who. I hope they'll have worked out all the kinks so it will be even stronger season than 8!

    PARKS AND RECREATION. I can't believe it will be over but I think overall it's a good thing it's ending sooner. The Office, which after it's 7th season, kinda went down hill for me and should have been ended sooner. I'm hoping for a strong ending from Parks and Rec!

    I have not seen Broadchurch but I should because David Tennant. XD Someone needs to inject me with the need to see more live-action stuff because all I want to watch is anime related right now LOL XD



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.