
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Live-Stream Recruitment: Winter Anime Preview

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, I plan to host my first live-stream! For the live-stream, I will be doing a discussion of the winter anime season. The main purpose of this post is to, hopefully, recruit some guest hosts. Of course, not many of you blog readers actually watch anime, but I am hoping that some of my Google+ readers will be willing to take part in this. Currently, I have no one lined up to take part in it, so if you are interested, please comment below and let know, or send me a personal message on Google+, Google Hangout, Facebook, Twitter, or my e-mail, I have not yet to decide on the time or the exact day; however, even if you are on a completely different time-zone, if possible, we can work around it. For reference, I am on EST (Eastern Standard Time), and the stream is likely to take place anywhere between 10:00am and 7:00pm, or possibly a little later. On the stream, we will be covering most of the anime listed on, and you can see the winter lineup by clicking here.

Also, if you have any website, blog, or other accounts that you want people to know about, feel free to do shameless self-promotion, because my blog, J and J Productions 1809, has 130 followers, and I have over 300 followers on various other social media, so might be able to reach new audiences.

To take part in the stream, you need a Google+ account, a decent knowledge of the upcoming anime, and a microphone for your computer. 

If you want to take part, please do not use strong profanity and keep it clean. Other than that, just let me know in the comments, personal message, or the other places that I mentioned if you want to participate. 

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I could provide that much since I'm still pretty new to anime in general--if you're in a scrape, though, I suppose to could sit in if you'd like me to and I could say whatever pops in my head. XD Otherwise, good luck, I hope this happens!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.