
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ant-Man Trailer Review

The first Ant-Man trailer is here, the full sized one this time, and it appears to have the makings of yet another excellent Marvel film. The teaser does not show much of the film at all, and even the effects are not particularly shown in detail, so we still do not know much about the film. With that said, Paul Rudd looks great in the role, and hopefully the father-daughter relationship will add the needed heart to the film, which no other superhero flick has done before. However, with Edgar Wright off the project, I am a bit worried that the movie will not turn out as well as the other Marvel flicks. Regardless, until Marvel fails, I will not doubt that any of their movies will turn out great. However, of the upcoming Marvel films, Ant-Man has the most potential for not being as amazing as the previous Marvel films. From this trailer, I am excited. My only problem is that the film is taking quite a departure from the source material, granted, not many people actually know much about Ant-Man, so hopefully it will work out in the end. What do you think of the trailer? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. I'm actually super excited for this (surpisely I know, given how much I think the MCU is overrated). I think it's because the powers he possess are very unique and not at all over the top powerful. There is a lot you could do with him and I'm excited to see what they do. And I love Paul Rudd. But on a side note, the trailer I thought was kind of a bummer, not a lot was given nor did anything really happen. But that didn't dampen my anticipation for the movie!

    1. I'm glad someone is excited for this. You might be right, this could be something different than before and that could be great!


  2. The trailer didn't get me all that excited, which I'm kinda disappointed about--it felt kinda bland, somehow. But I'm keeping my hopes up because of Marvel's fantastic track record :).


  3. Looks like an interesting film. I do hope it's good(though it's Marvel and, so far, they have yet to make a bad or even mediocre film), and I'm excited that Evangeline Lilly is going to be in the film! :)

    1. I really hope Evangeline Lilly is good in the movie! :)


  4. I wasn't sold on Rudd's acting from the trailer. He's best as a mildly goofy character and the role seems to have a lot of serious parts. We'll see. Thanks for posting!

    1. I would have said the same thing about Chris Pratt, so I am still optimistic.


  5. Yep, looks good! :D Haha, yeah, Marvel movies are always guilty until proven innocent of being big hits. ;)

  6. It certainly looks interesting, and I agree: the father/daughter dynamic could seriously work with the film and give it the heart is needs.

  7. Probably one of the more underwhelming trailers Marvel has put out. I hate to say it, but I think this one is going to be a bit of a dud. Probably not terrible, but probably Marvel's weakest to date. It just doesn't seem to fit into the overall universe that much (as evidenced by the lack of "Ant-Man 2" through 2018) and it's had a long, painful road to production.

    I'll still see it Day 1 likely, but after Winter Soldier, Guardians, and most likely Ultron, I think this will be simply "meh".

    1. As far as the trailer, I agree it is not one of the best ones. However, I am still optimistic, but we will have to wait and see.


  8. I really liked the cast but that trailer did nothing for me, a tad worried this might be a major miss.


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