
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Agent Carter Episodes 1-3 Audio Review

Today I am introducing my first audio review of Marvel's Agent Carter. Audio reviews are not my forte, but since typing much is very painful right now, I decided to do an audio recording to let everyone know my opinion of Marvel's Agent Carter. Admittedly, the review did not turn out as well as I had hoped, and I did not mention everything that I wanted to say. However, this review will suffice until my review of the entire series after it airs. Please let me know what you thought of the series in the comments below.

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  1. Good review! I still need to watch this though, lol!


  2. Great review! :) I agree, the show has been excellent so far and I can't wait to see where they take it. I love Peggy so far- she's awesome(really liked her in Captain America and she's even cooler here!)- and Jarvis has been a really great character too! Really enjoying their friendship/working together.
    The reason the guys were being mean/disrespectful to her is because, back in the 40s(before and after the war) it was very difficult for women to be respected/treated well in the working world, especially if they were one of the few women in the field(as in Peggy's case). Women still have problems today in the work place, but it is a lot better now. Hope that helped explain why they were taking that route with the story :)

  3. Nice review James! I am adoring this series! Like you, I am loving the production quality, the period setting and the unexpected lack of glam (I like how Peggy's more a brawler than than a Black Widow-kind of fighter) and the Peggy/Jarvis dynamic. I knew I was gonna love Jarvis, but I'm so glad I'm not alone, and that he's such a main character! I also agree about Peggy's co-workers -- their only purpose so far is basically to be mean and ignorant, and that's disappointing. Just because they're supposed to give Peggy a hard time because she's a working woman in the 40's doesn't mean they have to have zero character besides! They have too much screen time for that. Give 'em some character or focus everything on Peggy and Jarvis. Cause they're awesome. :D


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.