
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Terminator Genisys Trailer

The trailer for Terminator Genisys is here, and Arnold is back! Except for showing a few too many of the iconic lines from the film, this trailer does a great job of setting up the plot for the film. From the trailer, it seems that the movie is going for something like the J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies by using time-travel to create an alternate timeline, so that the original Terminator films still happened, but they can create a new story and franchise around the new cast and timeline. Needless to say, I am actually excited for the film. At first I thought bringing back Arnold to play an old Terminator was absurd, but this trailer has sold me on the movie, much like the Jurassic World trailer. 
Also, if you are not familiar with my opinion of the Terminator franchise, in short, the first two Terminator films are a part of the five film series that shaped my love of movies when I was a kid. Also the Sarah Connor Chronicles television series is one of my TV series as well. However, the third Terminator film, and the more recent Terminator Salvation, were disappointing to say the least, and as far I am concerned, they never happened. With this new Terminator Genisys, it seems that the franchise is going to do what the X-Men franchise did with Days of Future Past. Just like X-Men, the first two films are great, but ones after that were terrible, so using time-travel to reboot the franchise should work. Also, Matt Smith is in the movie, and it will be great to see him outside of Doctor Who.
However, there are three problems that I have with the trailer, and possibly the movie. For one, the name "Terminator Genisys" looks and sounds really stupid with the “y” in Genesis. It looks like the way Arnold would pronounce the word with his accent. My other problem is that the special effects do not even look as good as Terminator 2, which is a problem that the Jurassic World trailer had as well. Hopefully, by the time the film is released, the special effects will be fixed, Lastly, the actor that is playing Kyle Reese, Jai Courtney, does seem like he is all that great at acting, but that is just from the trailer, so hopefully he is good in the movie.
Other than those issues, I am excited to see the film! What do you think? Please comment below and let me know. Also, do not forget to check back Tuesday for the continuation of my Top 100 Movies list.

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  1. It looks alright, though I'm not entirely sure it'll be any good. I haven't seen the films since I was really little; but my dad loves them: I've lost count how many times I've seen the trailer. The one thing that really surprised me was how much the lady actually looked like the lady who originally played Sarah Connor. Also, I think Matt Smith's role is supposed to be short,(and longer in other films, because apparently it's a triology? Unless I read wrong) at least that's what I read. Only time will tell if I'll like the film. Excellent post, James!

    1. I also thought that the new actress for Sarah looks almost exactly like the original actress! Thanks for the info about Smith and that this is a planned trilogy!


  2. Hahahaha, yep, the "y"....why? :P I agree this is actually looking pretty cool. I have three basic thoughts:

    1. I approve of this plot direction, very much.

    2. Jai Courtney has yet to impress me, so I want Anton Yelchin back. I don't care if he can't do hardcore action-type stuff. This is only sorta a joke.


    That's all.

    1. Yeah, I am not sure if Yelchin would fit the role as an older version of the character, but I agree, where is Smith!


  3. Finding it hard to get excited. I'd have preferred a total reboot with a new Terminator. Jai Courtney was John McClane's son in the appalling Die Hard 5 and also Jack Reacher and was charisma free in both. The policeman robot just shouts Asian Robert Patrick and having an old Arnie running around trying to reclaim past glories seems even more sad than the Expendables. Give it up, Arnie, your day is done. That said, I'll still go and see it!!

    1. Right now, I am trying to stay optimistic, at least until the reviews, because, lately, a few franchises have actually made a big turnaround as late, and I think this could be good.
      As for Arnie, this is the role where his type of acting actually works, but I am just hoping that he is not too much in the movie.


  4. Mmmm I guess I'm on the fence. The movie looks great but the time lines of the first two movies were hard enough for me to keep sorted, I can't image adding anymore story. 8-| However, this is the role that Arnold is best in, so I think it's smart of him to do another one. :)



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