
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Success! 365 Days of Posting!

After more than three years of blogging, I have finally accomplished one of my goals: Posting everyday for an entire year! In the past, I have posted than 365 posts in a year and more than 365 consecutive posts (I am probably around 500 consecutive posts), but never have I actually posted one or more posts on each day of the year, until today. Last year, I posted all but one day of the year, and the only reason that I did not succeed was because I was hospitalized for a day. Admittedly, not every post during the year has been quality content, especially on the weekends, but at least I accomplished what I set out to be with relative success. Will I post everyday next year? Maybe not; I will have to wait and see.... But for the time being, continue to expect daily updates on J and J Productions between 6:00-8:30am EST, and please check back tomorrow for updates on my upcoming end of the year posts.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. woah, congrats, James! Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats man! Certainly something I couldn't do!

  3. Congrats James! Haha, love the gifs, especially the first and last ones. :D

  4. Well done, Sir! A Herculean achievement!

  5. Wow, nice going! That's a lot of work and dedication. :)

  6. YESSS I'M SO HAPPY YOU DID IT! AAAAHHHH. You are one of the most devoted bloggers I know, you deserve some sort of medal. :D :D :D You even pulled it off with your arm!

    Love the Ron Swanson gif XD


  7. @Everyone: Thank you all! And thanks for commenting; it is the reason why I post so often!


  8. Congrats! That's an awesome accomplishment and keep it up!

  9. That is awesome, congratulations! :D


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.