
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pixar's Inside Out Trailer

Pixar's upcoming film, Inside Out, appears to be promising, at least from the footage in the trailer. For the first time in a long while, I am legitimately interested in a Pixar flick, at least to a small degree. Showing the inside of a person's head is an incredibly fun concept, and the trailer is one of the most amusing trailers from Pixar to date. The thought process shown with the mother and father is very funny, especially the metaphor to a nuclear mission launch. If done well, Inside Out could be a decent family flick. Also, this film actually reminds me of the Cranium Command ride at Disney World Epcot, which is apparently discontinued. However, I do remember it form when I was a kid (does anyone else remember it?). It also reminds me of the Osmosis Jones movie, which was a 2D animated movie from a decade ago. What do you think of the trailer? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. This. look. awesome. I haven't wanted to see a Pixar movie in theaters since Monsters Uni and a Disney movie since Wreck-it Ralph--so I'm really glad that a mainstream, Disney related film is appealing to me at last *sends sneaky glare at Frozen and Tangled!* ALSO AMY POEHLER'S VOICE AT THE BEGINNING!!! I LOVE HER.


  2. Looks really cute, I'm looking forward to it!


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