Korra continues to find her way in "The Calling."
*Spoilers Ahead*
After three strong episodes, "The Calling" is a bit of a letdown, yet still a lot of fun at times. With Korra out still overcoming her inner struggle with Toph in the swamp, Tenzin's kids, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo are sent out to find Korra and bring her home.

Meelo is annoying as ever, although he did have a few good moments. The conflict between the siblings felt fittingly juvenile for kids their age, although not all that interesting. Ikki being captured by the Kuvira's soldiers again felt like a throwback to TLA's first season, but not necessarily in a good way. In many ways, a lot of the kids' scenes could have been cut to make room for more Korra and Toph.
While 3/4 of the episode focused on the kids, we did get to see more of Toph and Korra, which is always welcome. Toph continued to be the Toph that we all know and love. At the end of the episode with Korra hugging Toph was both hilarious and satsifying, especially after last week's "Go hug a tree joke." The Korra scenes in general, ending with Korra removing the poison from body were satisfying, and provided an end to Korra’s character arc setup in the beginning of the season. If the series season lasted longer than 13 episodes, it would have been great to have another episode with Toph in the swamp, but the plot needs to move forward. One thing did strike me as odd, which was what Toph said about their old adventures from TLA series. How did Toph know about the giant turtle? Maybe Aang told her, otherwise she would not have known (unless I am forgetting something).
Now with Korra back in action and able to enter the Avatar State, Korra's battle against Kuvira's forces is likely to beginning soon.
Overall: 7.9/10- While a bit juvenile, "The Calling" is fun episode that is necessary to move the plot forward.
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Great review! :) I agree, it was a fun episode but not as good as previous episodes. Meelo really annoyed me in this episode since he was such a jerk- he really needs to learn respect, especially for his sisters and girls in general(in fact, he reminds me of a kid I didn't like in TKD).
ReplyDeleteI agree, Toph and Korra's scenes were the best and I am looking forward to seeing how Korra's development goes from here.
As for Toph knowing about the lion turtle, I'm going to guess Aang told all of his friends about afterwards(they probably traded stories). :)