
Friday, October 24, 2014

Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer

The Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer is here, and it is awesome!  Now this is how you make a teaser trailer. It shows enough material to make everyone excited, while not spoiling too much. After watching the trailer, I was literally babbling like an idiot. Marvel never ceases to impress with yet another exciting trailer for the most anticipated film of 2015.

James Spader providing the narration is simply amazing, and considering his performance on the Blacklist, I have no doubts that Ultron will be the best movie villain since Loki. Visually, Ultron is perfectly brought to life. It is clear from his appearance that Ultron features elements of Stark's armor, yet it is still different. Interestingly, the trailer uses a creepy version of the song "I've Got No Strings" from Disney's Pinocchio, which is a rather brilliant metaphor for Ultron freeing himself.

Other highlights of the trailer include Cap's broken shield, Hulk and Black Widow having a moment, Thor choking Tony, and, of course, the freaking Hulk Buster armor! Another unexpected surprise is Andy Serkis. We knew that he helped Mark Ruffalo with the motion capture for the Hulk, but he appears to be playing a role in live-action, although that role has yet to be revealed.

Obvious, I am majorly excited for Age of Ultron. What do you think of the trailer? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. I've watched the trailer probably 8+ times and I still cant get over it. I think Whedon and company went BIG, and I have a feeling that they have a massive ace hidden up their sleeves on this one.

    Also, and this is my prediction based on various things, I think Spader as Ultron will be the best villain since the Joker. Marvel knows that their villains are rather weak when compared to everything else. It looks like they are pulling out all the stops on this one, and his voice work seems perfect so far.

    I'm incredibly excited.

    1. Agreed about Whedon going big. Considering his previous work, you are probably right about have an ace, because he is going to surprise up for sure.

      Can't disagree with you about Spader. He might just be the best one. They could not have made a better choice to voice Ultron.


  2. The trailer was awesome!! :D I can tell that this movie is going to be awesome and amazing!!:D :D Can't wait to see it when it comes out!! :D

    1. Isn't just awesome! :D I am so hyped for this. :)


  3. Yes, it's dark and gloomy this time, but this is the kind of show I like...Looks like there's some actual tension in this one...Hulkbuster vs. Hulk is going to destroy three city blocks in about ten minutes...

    1. So, you are liking the new direction, glad to hear it. It does look great.


  4. This movie looks awesome! I wasn't sure if it'd be better than the first Avengers, but at this point, I'm not so sure anymore! Is it May, 2015 yet? The music choice is kind of strange, but cool. I couldn't figure out what song it was. Still, it looks awesome!

    1. I wasn't sure if this could top the original either. However, if anyone can best Whedon, it is himself! Also, the song is "I've Got No Strings," but an alternate version of it.


  5. You know, I've been excited for this movie ever since I saw the first Avengers, because, obviously, I want to see more of the Avengers! But after seeing this, I almost don't even care about them anymore -- I just want to see more of ULTRON. Oh. My. Gosh.

    Still, I love me some Avengers, and Andy Serkis' being in it is exciting, and I'm also still curious about Vision, cause JARVIS is awesome. :D

    1. Same here! Can't disagree with you, because Ultron looks and sounds amazing! We are surely in for a real treat with him.


  6. You know with the trailer going into high storm of viral ness, I felt this movie is going to become more bigger than the first movie.

    1. Agreed, this is probably going to be even bigger than the first movie!


    1. My words exactly after watching the trailer! :P


  8. I'm very afraid to see this movie.

    Don't get me wrong -- I'll totally see it. Opening weekend. Cowering with fear behind my box of popcorn.

    I know what Joss Whedon is capable of. He has ripped my heart out and stomped on it a hundred times. His storytelling mantra is "give the audience what they need, not what they want." And so I fear for the safety and happiness of six characters I've grown to love very much indeed.

    As for the trailer... it's very much a teaser, in that it tells me pretty much nothing that I didn't know already. There will be a big, bad robot called Ultron, everything will fall apart for the Avengers, and things will go badly all around. It also makes me wonder what's going on in Joss Whedon's head, because did we really need Thor to be shirtless? Why must Thor always be shirtless? Pleeeeeeeeeeease tell me we're not going to be subjected to another gratuitous beefcake shot like the one in T:TDW. I'm sincerely hoping there's an actual, plot-driven reason for him to be half-nekkid this time, because... I want Thor to be taken seriously. Not just a boytoy to be drooled over and then cast aside. At least we have Bruce Banner shirtless to balance things out, and his lack of clothing does seem to have an actual point.

    (Okay, rant over.)

    1. You definitely have a point. Knowing Whedon, he is going to do something that is going to crush the audience by killing someone important.

      Thor was shirtless in the teaser? Didn't even notice, but I agree, we don't need another one of those scenes. That is true about Bruce though, after Hulking out, he always rips his clothes. Thanks for the rant!


    2. The problem with Comic book movies is that no one ever dies permanently. They can always come back through some miracle technology. So It is hard to take anyones 'death' seriouslly. But also, if they are going to introduce some fresh talent into the Avengers team someone will have to go.

  9. Oh my goodness, I am so looking forward to this! :D That trailer is amazing; my heart skipped a beat when I saw Cap's broken shield. wow.



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