Frozen, the movie that almost everyone loves and the highest grossing film of 2013.

Directed by: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee,
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Musical,
Release Date: November 27, 2013
Running Time: 102 minutes
MMPA rating: PG
The Good: Beautiful animation, Likable characters (albeit not well developed), Subverts a few clichés, Appealing character designs, "Let it Go" is actually catchy, Olaf is surprisingly hilarious, One great moment, Strong performances, (mostly) Excellent ending,
The Bad: Not enough Elsa, Troll scenes are unnecessary, Too many musical numbers, Weak plot points, Slow first 20 minutes,
Plot: 6.3/10- Frozen's plot has numerous valid problems if you think about it too much. While some of them I did not even think about a lot of points until someone mentioned it, I almost want gave the movie some significant slack considering that it is a children's film and a musical.
The plot is simple enough, with little explanation of the fantasy elements, although that is typical of the genre. The musical aspect of the film tends to hinder the film from telling a story as effectively as it could have been. For the example, the movie has about 20 minutes of songs before the plot takes effect, and that time could have been used to develop the characters, thus taking Frozen from a solid family film, to a really great movie. Also, there is a scene with Trolls that is 99% superfluous, and should have been cut from the film. If about half the songs were cut out, the movie could have improved the plot, granted, I usually cannot stand musicals. Despite these problems, my favorite aspect of the movie is how it unexpectedly subverts typical clichés towards the end, and the plot twists are hinted at slightly, but not enough to make it obvious what is going to happen. Also, the second half of the movie, which does not feature as many songs, is the best part of the movie.
Characterization: 7.2/10- Frozen has some surprisingly fun and likable characters. However, most of the characters really need more development, but again, for a Disney kids’ film, they are fleshed out just barely enough to make them enjoyable to watch.

Action: 6.5/10- Of course Frozen is not an action film by any means, however, it does have a few entertaining chase sequences bolstered by the brilliant animation.
Acting: 8.5/10- Unlike a lot of other eastern animated films, the voice acting in Frozen is actually taken seriously, at least with the principle cast. Despite her limited screen time, Idina Menzel is the standout best in the film as Elsa. Kristen Bell sells the quirkiness of Anna surprisingly well, even if the script has her do some dumb things. Josh Gad is another standout as Olaf. The rest of the cast, with the exception of the Trolls, are solid, and I want to give a special shoutout to Firefly vet Alan Tudyk as the Duke of Weselton.
Art Style: 9.7/10- Even though 2D animation will always rival 3D in my mind, Disney Animation is the best in the business in the 3D department. Frozen looks positively beautiful with some of the most stunning animation to date, particularly the animation for the ice and snow. Seriously, Elsa's powers are awesome. The character designs, for the female characters in particular, are rather appealing, even if three of the characters look very similar.
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You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price
Sorry, couldn't resist a Foreigner reference...
Granted, no one probably gets it.
Soundtrack: 7.0/10- First off, I cannot stand musicals. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is the only one that I have ever truly enjoyed.

Humor: 8.0/10- For a family animated film, Frozen's humor is shockingly not a hindrance. Olaf is actually hilarious most of the time, while the other character’s humor is hit or miss. In fact, I laugh out loud a few times while watching the movie.
Entertainment Value: 7.2/10- Considering that I am not the demographic for the film, especially with my dislike of musicals, Frozen managed to entertain me a lot more than I ever expected, but that is largely due to the animation and Olaf.
Overall: 7.2/10- Frozen is the type of film that has some excellent elements, but is undermined by missed opportunities and occasionally dumb writing. Despite its flaws, Frozen is still a solid movie and the fact that a kid’s film is even making me put so much thought into its flaws is probably worth something, plus that animation is just gorgeous!
Closing comments: If you absolutely love Frozen, that is perfectly fine. It is not intended for my demographic, so I can understand why some people love it.
Recommended for: Animation fans, Musical fans, Disney fans,
Please check back tomorrow for my review of The Wind Rises.
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Yes I liked this film to, excepting the trolls and the horrible amount of musical numbers I thought it was pretty good not as good as tangled though, speaking of tangled why havent you seen it yet I mean I hate princess movies and tangled is like the only one can not only stand but rather like.good review I think you nailed my thoughs exactaly
ReplyDeleteYep, it seems that we are on the same page about Frozen. It has some good elements, and some not so good elements. Maybe I should check out Tangled then, thanks for the recommendation.
You already know that I really despise this film, so I won't rant here except... Boo. :P Children's films have been done way better and more consistently than this film, so in my opinion I can't give Frozen a passing grade. However, I did find your review interesting and I'm really looking forward to The Wind Rises tomorrow!!
Indeed I do. lol :P ;)
I didn't want to watch it either, I felt that Frozen in its heyday was a overrated movie and maybe Elsa should've been the anti-hero and she'll be just turning the city in eternal winter by revenge not by accident.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, it is overrated, and if Elsa was actually an anti-hero, the movie could have been a lot better.
You should really do a review on "Pacific Rim" !!! That's like seriously my all time favorite movie and your take on it would be great! I will warn you though, there are plot holes!
ReplyDeleteActually, I have already reviewed the movie, here is the link.
Great review! :) Glad you liked the movie too! I agree, Elsa was a really good character and I really wish we could have gotten more of her(plus, Idina Menzel is such a good singer, they should have given her more to sing). Glad you also liked Olaf- I thought he was going to be annoying but he ended up turning out to be hilarious! XD Definitely had me laughing a lot in the film. I agree, Anna's naivete was a bit much(I've never met anyone that sheltered). And I will agree, the trolls were kind of annoying. I did like the touches of Norwegian culture in the film(since trolls are big there; as well as the structure Elsa was being coronated in, which looked very much like the inside of a Norwegian church) but they were done pretty awfully(and their song is pretty bad :P).
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yep, Elsa had the ability to be a great character, but she was unfortunately underused.
DeleteThe movie almost made it seem that Anna was locked inside the castle her ENTIRE life! And that she has literally never seen the outside, which is a little hard to believe.
Kudos to you for even watching a movie you knew you probably wouldn't care for!
ReplyDeleteI just saw "Tangled" for the first time two weeks ago, and I like it almost as well as "Frozen." It's also quite funny ("Frying pans! Who knew?"), and has fewer songs than "Frozen," so you'll appreciate that. I think you'd get a kick out of the horse, Maximus, though he's not as funny as Olaf. (But then, who IS as funny as Olaf?)
Oh, and Zachary Levi voices Flynn Rider, which cracks me up no end cuz I really liked him as Fandral in T:TDW. And Flynn Rider is a completely awesome character, probably my favorite animated hero after Robin Hood. He's like Aladdin mixed with Han Solo.
DeleteThank you!
DeleteMaybe I should give Tangled a watch. Like you said, I'd probably like it more than Frozen. It sounds fun.
It's definitely more actiony. In fact, my 6-year-old dislikes it because, and I quote, "there are too many chases." My girls really liked it, though -- oddly enough, they like actiony things more than my son. Taking after me, perhaps?
DeleteI haven't seen the film, but I did watch the trailer for it, and it looked alright. I might give it a shot one day, but who knows? Nice reference by the way! 'As Cold as Ice' is one catchy song! Great review, James!
It is not a bad movie, nor is it anything special, so if you want to watch it, try it, go ahead. Glad you got the reference!
I got your foreigner reference. :D
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw this movie, it's humor and charm worked on me and distracted me from all the things that now make want to never ever see this again. (Of course, I have seen it four times now, and how many times do you need to see movies like this?) The amount of gaping plot holes was ridiculous. As are the trolls. The sister's theme was nice. The destroying of the classic Disney love story was stupid. The reason I watch these movies is for the cute, sappy and unrealistic romances like Hans and Anna's. *SPOILERS* And there wasn't even the slightest hint that Hans was evil! That was very annoying. *END* This whole movie needed a major re-write. Except it didn't because everyone else loved it. It was very funny though...
Yay, you got the reference! :D
DeleteWow, you have really changed your opinion from your initial review, which I believe you gave it 4 stars. But I agree with you, the movie has a ton of plot holes! I actually did like how the movie made what's his name the bad guy, because it was not as predictable, but I do agree that there was almost no hints.