
Monday, September 22, 2014

Doctor Who: Time Heist Review

After last week's masterfully creepy adventure, "Time Heist" is a fun romp with some great twists.
Great heist movies are few and far between in the last several years with only Ocean’s Eleven (and Inception, if that counts), yet Doctor Who delivers one of the best and most unique heist stories in recent years.
When the Doctor gets a phone call from the TARDIS' phone, he mysteriously ends up in a room with Clara, and two other people, the human cyborg, Psi, and the mutant shape-shifter, Saibra. They are instructed by a mysterious figure, known as the "Architect," that they have been assembled to rob the most secure bank in the galaxy, the Bank of Karabraxos. However, none of the participants have any knowledge of being hired, and thus begins a heist where the robbers have no idea why or what they are stealing.
*Spoilers Ahead*
Capaldi's Doctor, particularly his eyebrows, took the lead in the episode, as the four try to rob the bank. One especially interesting moment is when the Psi refers to the Doctor as someone with "Professional Detachment," or something to that effect, due to how indifferent he was after Saibra's apparent death, which seems to be a recurring theme this season. Also, before Saibra supposedly committed suicide, she told the Doctor that he is a good man, which is another theme being explored throughout the season. 
Clara does not have as much of a presence as she did in previous episodes, yet she is still the same old lovable Clara. Although, it almost seems that almost everything could have happened without her involvement in the episode. 
Moving back to the plot, Doctor Who continues to show its wide range of genre possibilities with its unique twist on the heist genre. How many heist movies are there where why and what the robbers are stealing is just as intriguing as how they are doing it? The various twists and turns of the plot, bolstered by classic heist movie music, turned out to be a lot of fun. The entire episode had a heavy David Tennant vibe as well, and the lack of Missy or the Promised Land is more than welcome.
Another highlight of the episode is this week's monster, the Teller. From a special effects standpoint, it is excellently executed for the TV standards. Conceptually, the Teller is both kind of frightening, yet sympathetic by the end. The twist about freeing the Teller and his mate was a smart twist, and it is the type of thing that the Doctor would do. The Doctor turning out to be the "Architect" was not entirely unexpected, since about 3/4 of the way through, I called it, but it was a smart twist nonetheless. The idea of hating yourself is another intriguing theme explored throughout the episode as well.
As side characters, Psi and Saibra are two of the more memorable and fleshed out ones in a while. Sure, they are not amazing characters, but over the course of one episode, they have solid character arcs, particularly Psi, who had that excellent moment saving Clara.
 The only standout flaw of the episode is Ms. Delphox herself. For an antagonist, she is not particularly compelling. The big twist that she was behind the whole heist from the future is an intriguing one, although if the Teller is freed from her control, doesn't that change her past and thus she never had a reason to call the Doctor in the first place? Well, this is Doctor Who, not Steins;Gate, so at least it makes more sense than the Terminator movies. 
Overall: 8.4/10- Writer, Steve Thompson, delivers a very strong and fun heist story with some great twists that further explore the new Doctor.

Time Heist Review by Gypsy King

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  1. I did enjoy this one. I wouldn't say it's a favorite (maybe because I guessed pretty early on that it was not, in fact, a robbery but a rescue mission) but it did have some great points- and I loved the whole heist aspect. I think my favorite part was the whole team aspect of it, though- I love teamwork stories, and Saibra and Psi were some of -in my personal opinion- the more memorable one-episode characters (aside from Sally & company from Blink, of course)

    I agree that I don't quite get how it all worked together with Ms. Delphox, exactly. But I did enjoy seeing Keely Hawes in Doctor Who and it was nice having a real Doctor-centered episode.

    But one thing I also must say- my hope in Season 8 is completely restored after those lackluster first two episodes. These last three have been really fun and enjoyable to watch.

    1. The teamwork was also one of my favorite parts. It was just a lot of fun to see all of the different characters working together to rob the bank! To think of, I cannot remember side characters this good since Blink either.

      Agreed. these last three have been really good.


  2. The episode felt very heist-y, and was a really fun romp, as most of Thompson's episodes are. Psi and Saibra were fun characters, and had a really cool dynamic with the Doctor and Clara. The transitions in the episode felt perfect for the episode, given it was technically a heist episode. It had some fun twists, some you might've seen coming, others you might not have, which is cool. The episode was just a really fun episode, and was a fast paced one, though it's pace didn't hurt the episode in anyway, in fact I think it helped it more than anything. It's certainly an enjoyable episode, but it's not one of my favorites.
    Excellent review, James! And thanks for the link to my review! :D
    (I already wrote a comment, but it didn't show up-I might've logged out too soon-so if there's two comments from me, sorry!)

    1. Agreed on all points! It was such a fun romp with some really good characters and interactions between them.

      Glad to do it as always, and thanks!

      That's weird about the comment. :/


  3. New favorite episode of the season. :) Still not mind-blowing (man, I have high standards for DW!) but this is the first one I'm looking forward to seeing the second time. I think it had a lot to do with the extra two characters (and I didn't mind the Ms Delphox either) and how the show was more about an exciting mysterious adventure robbing a bank, that wound up having some deeper meaning behind it in the end, instead of the deeper meaning being forced into the show.

    *Spoilers* I was very happy when Psi and Saibra weren't dead after all, and wouldn't mind one tiny little bit if were to show up again sometime. I also predicted that The Doctor was the Architect, but that's not a problem. The only problem I found (or maybe I just missed something) was that they said they had six of those instant-death-actually-transporter vials, but if Psi and Saibra already used two earlier, they wouldn't have had enough at the end...

    Nice review James! The last gif was my favorite funny bit of the episode.

    1. It is my second favorite. :)

      Me too about Psi and Saibra not being dead. I thought it looked like a teleporter beam rather than instant, so I can't say I was surprised though. :

      Thanks Sarah!


  4. this seems like a pretty good show and I think id like to try it, only problem is I have to convince 3 brothers and my dad that its worth trying so I most likely won't any time soon. and speaking of heist movies have you seen this one because if you havent you really should, its great

    1. I'd recommend that you maybe watch an episode, and then decide if you think your family will enjoy it. I have had the problem in the past. I haven't seen that movie, but I have heard of it!


  5. Great review as always! :) I have to say, I'm really enjoying this season! It's just been so much fun and I don't think I've enjoyed Doctor Who this much in a while(except for the 50th, which I loved immensely), which is nice. Clara and 12 are one of my favorite Team TARDIS's now! :) This episode was another great addition and I loved how it was structured. I agree, Psi and Saibra were good side characters and I wouldn't mind them appearing again in a later episode. This episode had some good humor as well.
    Overall, great episode and I can't wait for the next one(Clara's face in the next episode's preview XD).

    1. Thank you as always! :) Me too! I did enjoy the previous seasons about as much, although if then next few episodes make up for the dull first episode, this is probably going to be one of the better seasons.
      I wouldn't mind seeing them again either. They were really good characters.


  6. Just finished this one. I loved all of what you mentioned. It felt like a Heist movie. I felt like I was watching a Leverage episode almost. It was a fun twist on an episode. And the end, where he is saving the mate is also enjoyable because it makes it feel more like a Doctor Who episode. (Hide anyone?) And the Doctor's supposed detachment, until someone catches him off guard, such as when Clara was in danger. The ending with the calories was also fun. And just other bits of humor thrown in. And 12. I really love 12 now.

    1. I have not seen Leverage, but I know people who have. Maybe I should check it out sometime. True, it was similar to Hide in that respect. I am really liking 12 too!


  7. I enjoyed this one quite a bit like everyone else. I do have to admit that I felted cheated by the ending--I liked that it was a rescue mission but not who organized it...I just felt let down. Besides that, it was a great episode! More great quotes from 12 and company. :) Great review and gifs!


    1. Interesting. I did not mind it as much in terms of the twist.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.