
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Deadpool Movie is Official for 2016

After the awesome Deadpool test footage was leaked a couple of months ago, an official Deadpool film is coming 2016! YES! It is finally happening! The movie has escape development limbo, and it is set to release on February 12, 2016. Ryan Reynolds is set to return to play the the Merc with a Mouth, and now they can finally right the wrongs of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Another strange development is that Kevin Feige is set to produce the film. However, Feige is the head of Disney/Marvel, while Deadpool is from the competing Fox, who owns X-Men and Fantastic Four. What are your thoughts? I am know that I am excited! Please comment and let me know!

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  1. I.Am.So.Excited.

    After we saw the test footage I flipped out. I think this movie is going to be amazing. My little brothers are sad that there is going to be a super hero movie they won't be allowed to see, so some fans are a bit upset. But as for me, I seriously cannot wait.

  2. Yes! I was hoping that test footage leakage would mean that this would become a thing :)

  3. Im so glad they released that fan footage and LISTENED to the fan response. Now it's all up to the fans to make it a worthwhile endeavor for FOX.

    I really really hope this works out, mainly for Reynolds sake. It's a character he cares about and who he is perfect to replicate on screen. Let's just hope they go with a crude, hard R-rating film that occasionally breaks the fourth wall. As long as it stays true to the character, it could be amazing.

    1. For the most part, I agree with you. This should be hilarious, but if he does not break the fourth wall, I will be disappointed.


  4. Don't know too much about Deadpool, but I have heard he was a cool character so I'll definitely be looking forward to it! :)

    1. If they do it right, the movie should be great! :)


  5. I can't wait, it's movie that should have been made a long time ago with Reynolds!

    1. Agreed, it should not have taken so long to put the movie into production.


  6. If it turns to to be much like the teaser we saw, then I am excited!!!


  7. I'm defiantly going to saw this movie. I'm sure one of the best movie from the marvel. Watched the trailer and and really pleased with that. If you also want to watch then watch from here: Watch Deadpool Online

  8. deadpool 2 review IMDB. We've got all your favourite players back from Deadpool and I want to credit the writers for giving the opportunity for the characters to grow. Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is his typical wise-cracking self but he's found happiness and the change in his relationship with Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) has really impacted his outlook. Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) return as X-Men members and while they're familiar, they're attitude does change towards Deadpool's antics. We also get back Dopinder (Karan Soni), Weasel (T.J. Miller) and Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) as the rest of Wade's crew and they all bring something new or hilarious to the film. I also really liked the new members of the cast; Cable (Josh Brolin) and Domino (Zazie Beetz) lived up to the hype. Cable has more depth than I expected and a highlight of Deadpool 2 was how they worked in Domino's ability into the action.

    Click: Deadpool 2 full movie watch online now.

    They were so creative in how her abilities changed the way the action flowed. I also really liked the character of Russell (Julian Dennison) and how they used him in the movie. He becomes the driving force of the plot and they shape his character in a way that finds a nice balance between too soft and too arrogant. If I had any complaints, Eddie Marsan's character is one of the weakest villains I've seen in the genre, he has little dimension and his screen time is limited. I also preferred the treatment of a few of the original characters in the initial installment (Negasonic and Blind Al were stronger in the first movie). Keep your eyes open for a couple of surprise appearances by a few famous faces in the X-Men lore.

    See more: watchtvseries


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.