
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Coming Soon: September 2014

Hello once again readers of J&J Productions! And welcome to what will probably be the lamest Coming Soon in Coming Soon history! But before we get to that, let's recap a very up and down month of August. The month, despite having a few high scoring movies, had an average score of 7.2 which was about -1.3% from the average for this month. So which movies brought that average down? Let's take a look:

Guardians of the Galaxy: I'm not entirely positive if I liked it more than The Avengers, but I wouldn't be surprised if multiple viewings help it to become my favorite Marvel movie ever. Bring on the haters because this was a film that combined an immediately likeable cast of (anti?) heroes and the action/hijinks that ensue are nothing short of movie magic. It's the first film that I saw twice this year. (Rath's Review Score: 10/10 -- Instant Classic)
Get on Up: The structure of how the story was unraveled was atrocious, but other than that, this one was a groovy, in depth look at the life of James Brown, which was much harder than I thought it was. Chadwick Boseman gives the best performance of the year so far. (RRS: 8.5/10)
Into the Storm: Part of me regrets missing this one despite the mediocre reviews. It was short and it's been a while since we have had a good weather film (assuming you aren't counting Sharknados). Probably a film that is prime for a TV viewing someday
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: I should preface this by stating that I was never part of the TMNT craze/cult. They just never clicked with me. So I already went into the film not connected or even looking forward to the source material. I found the film to be dull and forgettable but I know that some hardcore fans really liked it. For what it's worth, it did have a few good action scenes. (RRS: 4.5/10)
Let's Be Cops: I skipped this one as it was a busy week (business trip to CA) and the reviews were less than stellar. I haven't heard too much word of mouth from people so it seems like it ultimately might be a pretty forgettable comedy despite the imported New Girl chemistry.
The Expendables 3: It was destroyed by the critics (somewhat unfairly). The film is nowhere near as fun as the second one, but I thought it was still better than the first. Some of the new additions to the cast were fantastic and the action is continuous. The biggest issue? Some truly horrendous special effects. Like almost 1990's bad...(RRS: 7/10)
The Giver: I read the book in preparation for the movie, and I was supposed to see it with my dad and girlfriend, but it just never happened with three schedules. It seems that it captured some aspects phenomenally (the lack of color and memory giving) while it stumbled with others (plot additions, ending, etc.) Something I hope to see in the future.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For: Probably the most unfairly destroyed film of the month (including at the box office...what a bomb!). The new Sin City is really 2.5 films. One consists of Jessica Alba getting revenge (pretty good), half a film of Joseph Gordon-Levitt being the dumbest character ever (terrible), and the titular "Dame to Kill For" with an always-nude Eva Green (some of the best Sin City has produced out of both films). All that added together leads to an unfocused film with startling highs and lows. (RRS: 7.5/10)
The November Man: About as generic and cliche as they come with a total disregard for human life. But the fact that we get to see Brosnan in the main role being a BAMF again makes it worth it for the most part. (RRS: 5.5/10)
As Above So Below: My rule with the horror genre is that it must either be a Paranormal Activity film or receive high reviews for me to try it out. As Above So Below is neither of those things so I skipped it. From the reviews I've read it sounds like the awesome, creepy location of the catacombs under Paris is the only positive. 

Most Surprising: None
Most Disappointing: The Expendables 3
Worst Film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Best Film: Guardians of the Galaxy (by far)

Like I was a weird August! Now let's dive into September. Remember to click the titles for the trailers.

Why It's Worth Seeing: Before I get started, no, you aren't reading that date wrong. There is literally nothing coming out that first weekend of September. Or at least nothing that I would most likely see or imagine you will see. Anyway...No Good Deed has potential with Idris Elba, plain and simple. The dude is a great actor and really fun to watch. If things go well, this could be his "Taken". 
What Could Go Wrong: This may sound racist, but I assure it's not. Often with fully African-American casted films, they cater heavily to a certain demographic. While that demographic loves the films, the rest of the movie going world is often unable to relate. That doesn't make the movie bad at all, but it's just hard to enjoy a film if it's completely unrelateable. I tried to make that statement as politically correct as possible, but I think you get my jist. Given that this is about all that is coming out this weekend (other than Dolphin Tale 2...YAY!!!) I'll be seeing it so I guess we will see.

Why It's Worth Seeing: I just finished reading the book and it's probably my favorite YA series behind The Hunger Games (not including Harry Potter of course). The premise is awesome and the mystery unfolds in a very LOST-esque manner. If the film can get some decent child actors, make the film serious/dark like The Hunger Games does, and give us some thrilling action then it could be the start of an awesome new series.
What Could Go Wrong: Luckily there is no love story in this one so I don't have that point to make. I am slightly concerned about the budget. The story indicates that it would need a lot of special effects. I just hope they look good in the film. And there are always the children actors too. 

Why It's Worth Seeing: With Liam Neeson there is always reason to pay attention just in case we get another Taken or The Grey again. He's got this genre on lock (which is amazing he hasn't been asked to be in The Expendables yet). If the story is worthwhile then count on Neeson to make the film something special.
What Could Go Wrong: I don't think Neeson is particularly picky about the scripts he chooses. Taken 2, for example. Hopefully this adaptation of the book is strong and, having not read the book, hopefully the story avoids cliches and does something to stand out.

Why It's Worth Seeing: It comes from a strong studio and the animation looks quirky and fun. If it can give these trolls some lasting personalities then this could be a surprise hit. 
What Could Go Wrong: Animated movies kind of have to be funny (there are exceptions of course). If this one can't bring the laughs, especially with the stiff competition from The LEGO Movie earlier in the year, it could get swept under the rug.

Why It's Worth Seeing: Denzel Washington taking down badguys. Need I say more?
What Could Go Wrong: His latest films seem to not be as memorable despite how enjoyable they are for a single viewing. I'm hoping this one stands out a bit, but I imagine that come the end of the year none of us will remember The Equalizer, not matter how much fun we had watching it.

Must See: None :-(
On My Radar: No Good Deed, The Maze Runner, A Walk Among the Tombstones, The Boxtrolls, The Equalizer
 Predicted Duds: None :-)

There you have it! Told you that September was really lame. Basically we got Liam Neeson vs. Denzel Washington, with the potential for a YA novel to breakout. Keep your eyes out for a slightly busier October Coming Soon which will then be followed by a jam-packed November. Thanks guys! As always, I'd be REALLY appreciative if you came and followed me through Blogger at RATH'S REVIEWS and like me on Facebook HERE! I follow-for-follow 100%. Thanks again! 

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  1. Wow, there is nothing coming out this first weekend? That is kind of surprising. It seems that a smaller movie might try to make a move since there will be no competition. As for the rest of the month, I am not really seeing any movies that makes me want to see them in theaters. The Maze Runner looks kind of cool though. I really like the lead actor. And of course any Liam Neeson movie is probably going to be bad*ss.


    1. Well when I say nothing I really meant nothing of note. There is a single wide release for a movie that I haven't even seen a trailer for and then a few limited releases as well. You would think that Maze Runner would have tried to make the jump in order to grab hold of September.

      If Maze Runner can be as close to the books as The Hunger Games and Harry Potter in terms of tone then it will be awesome. If not, then meh.

      Hopefully A Walk Among the Tombstones is awesome!

  2. I'm a big independent movie nerd and I think all the hollywood movies look tame and generic this month, especially Denzels and Liam Neesons movie...they look the exact same as what they have been doing for years now! (But The Maze Runner, haven't read the book but it looks pretty dang cool, i'm glad nothing has been spoiled for me yet! 'No Good Deed' as some potential too)

    I'm most excited for 'Honeymoon' 'Tusk' and 'The Guest'! The Guest is getting very good reviews so far and looks like a very fun and energetic movie, you should check out the trailer! Plus the Toronto International Film Festival started today so I'm really pumped to see early reviews for some upcoming movies!

    1. I'll have to do that! Thanks Matt.

      I've heard some things about Tusk, but usually I try to hold off on posting films that will be limited release until they go wide.

      Fingers crossed for Maze Runner!

    2. Yeah I think 'Tusk' actually is going to be released nationwide September 19th, according to the website that I use anyways, I sure hope so!

  3. Into the Storm -- prime for a TV viewing someday -- My thoughts exactly.

    For this month I'm definitely most interested in The Maze Runner. I just finished reading the first book last night, and I agree with you: favorite YA dystopian novel after The Hunger Games. As to the actors, I think Newt and Gally are in good hands with Thomas Sangster and Will Poulter, but for the rest, who knows. I hope this one turns out good!

    1. Yeah I have my fingers crossed pretty tightly for The Maze Runner. The book was so good because I really felt like it tried to be different and I always got the sense that there was something much larger going on behind the scenes. Im currently reading the second book right now and the series is still going strong.

      Thanks Sarah!

  4. I'm particularly eyeing on Maze Runner, long before you've mentioned it here. And I'll make sure to keep an eye to the ones you're recommending.

    From all those you've already seen. The only one I've seen is Guardians of the Galaxy. Though I'm a little doubtful for 10/10 (but just because giving a perfect score is personally weird), I agree that it is awesome.

    1. Thanks Arvin! Fingers crossed for Maze Runner!

  5. Jordan, I have a certain skill set. and I want you to thinkaboot your diss of Taken 2. :)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.