
Monday, August 11, 2014

Top 25 Best Comic Book Casting Choices: Part 4

We are nearing the end of my list with only my Top 10 choices left to go.

At Number 10: Heath Ledger as The Joker 
Even at number ten, a lot of people are going to be furious by the ranking Ledger's Joker, but hear me out. Heath Ledger's Joker is extraordinary and certainly deserving of his posthumous Oscar. However, he neither reinvented the Joker nor perfectly captured the character from the comics. He certainly made the role his own, and in terms of performance alone, it is legendary, yet I can still others in the role.

At Number 9: Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
When a comic book character is "unofficially" based after your likeness and personality because of how freaking bada** you are, and instead of suing the company, you are cool enough to play said character in a film adaptation, you are one awesome mofo, and that is exactly what Samuel L. Jackson did when he agreed to play Nick Fury. While the original version of the Nick Fury character was a white guy created back in the 60s, the Ultimate universe of the Marvel comics, which heavily inspired the films, is actually based after the likeness of Samuel L. Jackson. Being the cool dude that he is, Jackson decided to just play the character, and, of course, he freaking killed it! 

At Number 8: Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Out of all the characters on this list, playing a bombastic god from another realm is probably the hardest to pull off, yet Chris Hemsworth succeeds on all fronts. Hemsworth manages to be more than a bulky muscleman in a suit of Asgardian armor, he is able to deliver the Shakespearean flawlessly. Unlike almost any superhero adapted to film, Thor is a warrior that loves combat, and Hemsworth is effectively able to convey that character. However, he is able to pull off the more dramatic moments like the brotherly conflict between Thor and Loki.

At Number 7: Michael Fassbender as Magneto
Being cast to play the X-Men's most iconic villain and being task to make said sympathetic, yet still villainous and unforgettable, is quite a sizable task, but Michael Fassbender pulls it off perfectly! His incarnation of Magneto is conflicted and troubled by his past, and the bond of friendship between Eric and Xavier is eXecuted eXceptionally well in the film, largely thanks to his eXcellent performance (sorry, but I could not pass up a chance for the X-puns).

At Number 6: Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man
Originally, Andrew Garfield cracked the top ten; however, after considering that he has only been in two as Spider-Man, whereas the other actors on the list have played their parts in three or more films. Despite this, Andrew Garfield is the near perfect Spider-Man. He has the humor, physical size, and sells the genius aspect of the character. The only somewhat valid complaint against Garfield is that he looks a little too much like a male model for him to be considered an outcast nerd, whereas Tobey Maguire looks like a wimpy kid regardless. That being said, Garfield shows his excellent range as Peter in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and if he continues to improve, he will easily crack the top five when third film is released.

Please check back soon for the final part of the list where Rick and I discuss our Top 5 picks in a Podcast.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Definitely disagree with your placement of Heath as the Joker, but to each their own lol.

    Great list otherwise though! These are fun reads!

    1. Yeah, I knew someone would, haha.

      Thanks Jordan!


  2. I really like these posts! And I love Michael Fassbender in just about anything that he does, especially his Magneto. I'm sure you are in heaven about having 40 comic book movies being released in a mere 6 years, starting next year!

    1. I am glad you like them Matthew. Same here, Fassbender is one of the best! And yes, there has never been a better time to be a comic book geek! So many movies being, and a lot of them have been great, from Marvel at least.


  3. Great continuation of the list! :D I agree, these actors(the ones I've seen) were perfect in their roles. Chris Hemsworth was the perfect Thor and he really helped make the character my favorite Avenger! :) And Samuel L. Jackson is perfect as Nick Fury! And I agree, Andrew Garfield is really great as Spider-Man- can't wait to see the second one! :)

  4. I've been enjoying this series you're doing, though since I'm not a comic reader I can't exactly have an informed opinion on the subject. :) I can't help but think Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man is worlds better than Tobey Maguire's though.

    1. I am glad you have enjoyed this series of posts! :) Garfield is better than Maguire, but I think I will always like Tobey as well.


  5. I think top ten is a very generous for Heath Ledger according to how you're judging the actors. :) It was a fantastic performance but I get what you mean in your last sentence.

    Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is PERFECTION. I love him as Nick Fury so much, I'm so glad he was a sport and played the character!

    I can't picture anyone else playing Thor outside of Chris Hemsworth. He did the character justice, especially in The Avengers and Thor The Dark World, at least in my opinion.

    Again I can't really comment on X-Men except for probably Wolverine who you've not done yet. :)

    I love Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man! What can I say, he's just fantastic and he plays both Peter Parker and Spider-Man very well!

    Looking forward for your top five!


    1. Yeah, Ledger is still not my favorite Joker. :/

      I know, Sam L is such a cool guy!

      Agreed, he was best in Avengers and TDW.



  6. This has been an excellent countdown, James. Congratulations on a fantastic job.

    I have never warmed to Ledger's Joker, having seen it only twice (once in theaters, once at the dentist's office!), and I prefer Maguire to Garfield as Spidey, and the reverse for Peter Parker. Other than that I think you've knocked it out of the ballpark.

    1. Thanks Rick!

      After the 4th viewing, I finally liked Ledger's Joker, but I almost feel obliged to place him in the Top 10. Hamill is still my favorite version of the character. I can't disagree with you entirely about Maguire. I like both of their versions, and since I am a comic book fan, Garfield feels more like the character.


  7. You have Chris Hemsworth as Thor in the top ten. I love you forever.

    1. (And I mean 'love you forever' in a strictly older-sister-who-is-married way, of course. Just in case your parents are worried you have a stalker. You don't. You just made my day, is all.)

    2. Haha, glad you like my choices! Hemsworth is so good as Thor. I think you are going to like my Top 5 in the podcast as well. :)


    3. I suspect that a certain mutant to whom I have sworn allegiance might be in it.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.