
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Studio Ghibli Closing!? And a Tribute

Thanks to a confusing unofficial translation that implied Studio Ghibli would be closing for good, everyone freaked out. After the official statement (below) was officially released and translated, it actually said that the studio will be taking a break for the time being after Hayao Miyazaki's retirement to figure things out and decide how they want to proceed. How long of a break, I do not know, but Studio Ghibli is one of the last remaining globally known 2D animation studios around, and as far as I am concerned, they are, by far, the best feature film animation studio of all-time. Better than DreamWorks, Disney, and even Pixar. If you have never seen a Studio Ghibli film, you are certainly missing out on some of the best films ever made. According to some speculation, the recent success of Frozen in Japanese and other Asian countries might be one of the reasons for Ghibli's temporary closing, which is baffling considering that Japan's animation so much better than movies like Frozen that it is not even funny. Having recently seen every Hayao Miyazaki film, as well as most Studio Ghibli films in general, seeing Ghibli take a break is kind of saddening. Hopefully they will return with even more classic films. For anime feature films, all we have now is Mamoru Hosoda (Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars), and the films based off of existing series. Sometime, if readers are interested, I might decide to rank all of Studio Ghibli's films. What do you think of the Studio Ghibli taking a break? Please comment below and let me know.

Here is the official statement: "Obviously Miyazaki's retirement is an enormous change and we are considering how to proceed from such an event but... we don't believe we can just continue with the same approach as we had before. We are taking a small break to think on how best to proceed from here."

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  1. My boyfriend messaged me about this yesterday! But I read something very different before he did. I read that Miyazaki would return to Studio Ghibli to make one more film for the museum, and then retire. But now I can't seem to find any information on the extra film... I didn't believe my boyfriend about Studio Ghibli closing so I didn't freak out. I probably wouldn't have either way, to be honest... As much as I love Studio Ghibli, I could live without them. There are thousands of anime available, including many amazing titles just waiting to be discovered. In any case, Studio Ghibli will always be known as a major contributor to the world of anime and its evolution, as well as its worldwide success.

    That video you posted was very nostalgic. I cried a bit from the feels. >.>; Y'know, I still haven't seen The Wind Rises. I'm gonna see if my boyfriend and friends will watch it with me this weekend. ^^

    1. I think what I wrote sounded a little more desperate than intended. Kyoto Animation, UFOTABLE, and a few others are my favorite animation studios though. But in terms of feature films, Madhouse and Mamoru Hosoda. Also, I really appreciate Ghibli films for introducing my best friend to anime.

      Glad you liked the video, and I know what you mean. Hope you enjoy The Wind Rises; it is one of my favorites from the studio.


  2. I had heard the news that Studio Ghibli wasn't closing, and I'm definitely glad it's true- I'd love more movies by the studio! I agree, I prefer 2D animation as well and I wish it was used more. Enjoyed the video! :D

    1. Hopefully Ghibli will return in full force in the near future! :D


  3. I'm SO GLAD Ghibli isn't closing; I just found them for crying out loud! I agree, they have some of the most amazing films ever, not just for their animation but overall story development, characters and world building and just overall amazing story telling! So glad you pointed me to them! Hopefully this break will do the company good!




    1. LOL, I know! And agreed on all fronts! :)

      Thanks Jamie! :D


  4. Good thing Studio Ghilbi isn't shutting down for good or otherwise that without 2D animation, we're all end up rooting for CGI. I'm shocked Hayao didn't find the successor to run the studio. I hope that it's his son Goro who's up the challenge if he will inherit his father's company and take charge on its office.

    1. Well, Goro has not had the most critical success with his films, and the intended successor, Mamoru Hosoda, left to make his own films, I do not know who will take over as the top filmmaker of the studio.


  5. I'm so glad they aren't closing! I watched a number of their films last year when I was sick for a while, and they really are an amazing animation studio. Their stories are alway so beautiful, as well (Grave of Fireflies was one of their best, I think). I hope they don't stay on break too long!
    And I would love to see a ranking of Ghibli films!

  6. They are hands down my favorite studio and I hope they continue putting out quality films after this break. I think they're chasing the success of Miyazaki's earlier films and haven't had a blockbuster recently. Sometimes you have to give the audience what it wants and they want cute, animated magic creatures!

    1. Not since Ponyo do I believe their films have been majorly successful. And you are probably right, they need to make another whimsical fantasy adventure like some of Miyazaki's best work.


  7. I would really like some reviews on these movies. All iv'e seen is Totoro but I'd like to know about other movies and how good they are.

    1. Hopefully, I can get some reviews out soon. Thanks!



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