
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Overkill's Walking Dead Reveal Trailer

Overkill's Walking Dead video game, which has one of the most screwed up video game trailers in a long time. Seriously, watch it! It is incredibly dark. On the plus side, maybe we will finally get a great Walking Dead video game where you shoot Walkers in first-person. Of course, topping Telltale Games' engrossing saga in terms of story is nearly impossible, but a Walking Dead game with great combat would be great! If you missed it, please click here to read my Guardians of the Galaxy review, and please comment below with what you think of this reveal trailer.

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  1. Well that an insane video. Very effective though!


  2. I'm not a gamer (unless it's Peggle) but that trailer was certainly in the spirit of the franchise! Can't wait for Season 5 in October! However, if Daryl dies, I riot!!

    1. Agreed, this is definitely in the spirit of the series and comic. GK, we ALL will riot!


  3. Because staring at a wall for 2 minutes will totally make me want to buy the game.

  4. I'm sure the game will be good, but this trailer tells us nothing about the game except what we already know of the franchise.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.