
Monday, June 23, 2014

A "Girl" Movie Everyone Should Watch: Guest Post by Jamie

My friend and guest author, Jamie, is here with another guest review!

I spent several days with only a simple outline written for this guest post, unable to find the right words to describe what I want to say to you all today. And it's only near the end of my self made deadline that the words have finally come. The reason for my word block is because this movie has layers and dimension and there are so many ways to look at it. However, I've finally been able to pin down my thoughts!

The movie I want to talk about today is Thelma and Louise. It's become one of my top ten favorite films of all time, right up there with Star Wars and Ben-Hur. Even though it's usually considered a film for the female audience, I'm here today with three reasons as to why everyone should be able to love this movie, including guys. (I don't want to spoil anything, so my reasons will be on the broader side.)
Here's a little information on the film before we get started, in case you haven't seen it or only heard a little about it. An adventure buddy film, Thelma and Louise was released 1991 and won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, which it definitely deserved. Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon are our lead stars (and a very young Brad Pitt joins them too.) To younger readers: take note that Thelma and Louise is rated R for strong language, along with some violence and sensuality.

The plot synopsis at it's shortest: Two good friends decided to go on a weekend vacation together to get away from stress and a domineering husband.  However, before reaching their destination, a side stop turns sour when one of them is nearly raped and the other shoots the offender as they walk away. They decided to hightail it to Mexico but are soon pursued by a detective and the FBI. While on their journey, Thelma and Louise begin to discover the freedom they have in their own choices and in their friendship with each other.
I love this movie for so many reasons; Davis and Sarandon's acting in this movie is fantastic. They bring the two characters Thelma and Louise to life with their perfect chemistry. Other characters like Brad Pitt's sweet-talking hitchhiker also brings smiles to one's face while you feel happy to loath Thelma's sexist husband Daryl. The film is paced nicely--moments are captured so well that it's hard to look away even during a few slow points. Hans Zimmer's score fits the film beautifully while the scenery captures the road trip atmosphere; so, perfectly combined with the deep thoughts and the iconic ending, which I will not spoil for you, it all makes this movie the instant classic that it is. 

But now let's hit my three big reasons why everyone should watch and be able to like this movie, okay?

The first reason is that this film has a great sense of humor. It's not silly like a comedy but it is quite funny. The humor is strongly needed as it balances the rather somber story lines of attempted rape, murder, an abusive husband, ect. Yes, the movie gets gritty and dark with it's realism. However, it also made me smile and laugh many times. The timing of the actresses and actors was perfectly orchestrated for many hysterical moments. While not everyone always finds the same movies funny, I think the humor in Thelma and Louise should be universal to almost everyone. The dialogue is smart yet realistically written and combined with the fantastic acting of the cast, the story delivers some great laughs alongside its other themes. If  the humor hadn't been pulled off well, this movie would be rather depressing.
The second reason everyone should watch this movie is that this story is about women as real as they can get, both in the characters and the two actresses Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon, who weren't "Hollywood Youth" when they made this. You can't instantly stereotype either character as you watch this movie; for me, that makes the ride a lot more interesting because you can't as easily predict what they're going to do or say.

While it's refreshing for female viewers to see realistic, relatable women who aren't super models or complete stupidheads on the screen, the guys who do like dimensional female characters should definitely find this film an enjoyable watch because Thelma and Louise are people. They aren't puffs of air; instead they're complicated, they're funny, they're smart, they're people. And I don't see how guys couldn't find that at least a little intriguing.

My third and final reason why everyone should watch this movie is because the story is about friendship at it's strongest, best and most beautiful. Yes, I know there's lots of "you're my best friend" type movies out there but this one is different because of the element of seriousness. The grime. And the blood. And the chances to make life changing choices that Thelma and Louise go through together. 

No matter what gender, we all secretly want a friendship as solid as theirs.  As humans, we need people who are there for us, who will support our choices in life, who will build us up, and who will help you pick up the pieces when they all hit the pavement. This is portrayed beautifully in Thelma and Louise and I think it's one that can easily cross the gender barrier. Great friends are priceless, especially when they will go with you all the way. So, if that isn't a reason to give this movie an honest try, then I don't know what is.

If you don't know me already, I'm Jamie and you can find me over at my blog Through Two Blue Eyes. I love movies and I write about them quite frequently over there. I also write about all sorts of odds and ends and sometimes I write over here, too. So, if I don't see you over at my blog, then I will see you next time right here! Thanks for reading. :)

Thanks Jamie for another great guest post! Be sure to check out her blog.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I am a man but still loved this movie. Its a must see. The ending fit the movie but I would love to see a alternative happy ending.

    1. You are awesome, dude. I agree, I would also like to see a happier ending. :) How It Should Have Ended should totally do this movie for us! :) Thanks for commenting. :)


  2. Yeah, this movie's pretty rad. Even for a male like myself, I found it somewhat empowering. Not just for women, but for anybody's who tired of being tied-down and disrespected and just want to break out into life for a bit. Good review Jamie.

    1. Thanks Dan O.! You are very very right, you totally got the idea of my post! I'm glad you were empowered from it as well. :) Thank you for commenting.


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  5. Many thanks for the amazing essay I really gained a lot of info. That I was searching for


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.