
Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Flash TV Series Trailer

The Flash, DC comics' classic speedster is finally getting his own TV series, again. After the relative success of Arrow, The CW is launching another DC comics series set in the same universe as Arrow. Even though I have not seen Arrow yet, this Flash series interests me. The series revolves around Barry Allen, the second and most commonly known character to be the Flash, although in this universe he is obviously the first. The Flash’s powers are somewhat self-explanatory; he can run really, really fast. Grant Gustin plays the Flash, and he reminds me of a discount Andrew Garfield. With the Justice League movie right around the corner, will there be two Flashes? One on TV and another in the movies. According to sources, the likelihood of the Arrow DC universe crossing-over into Sndyer’s Man of Steel DC universe is virtually zero. Also, neither Arrow nor the Flash will have anything to do with Fox's Gotham and NBC's Constantine, which are both based on DC properties. While the special effects are certainly low budget TV effects, they are not that bad, and providing the story is fun enough, I will likely give the series a watch. Also, comic fans should notice the reference to Ferris Aircrafts Company, who is a major part of the Green Lantern comics. For a bit of Flash history, back in the 90s, the Flash had a short lived series that accumulated a cult following, although it only lasted one season. As for Arrow, I hope to get that one free month of Netflix and marathon Arrow, so that I will be caught up with the series by the time season three rolls around. What do you think of this Flash trailer? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. I watched it and I think it'll be good. I was curious, and when I watched it, I was thinking, 'I hope they got him right,' (apparently I have a soft spot for Flash from Justice League Unlimited), and I really think they did. I'll watch the pilot and go from there, but from this, it looks good. Enjoy Netflix! (It's addicting). Excellent post, James!

    1. Yeah, Flash was a really fun character in Justice League Unlimited! I really do hope the series does a good job with the character, and thank you Tegan!


  2. I'm so excited for this show. I was disappointed with the tone that the first season of Arrow took, but I think this will be better - more lighthearted (like the Flash is supposed to be). If they can find good writers for it it'll hopefully last longer than the 90's version! :)

    1. I really need to watch Arrow and see why so many like it though! :) And I agree, the series needs to have a more lighthearted nature. By the way, I am watching Ouran High School Host Club...


    2. I didn't like season one of Arrow, but I'm willing to give season two a chance. I know that's not necessarily a conventional way to watch television, but man I really hated all of the characters in the first season. I have been assured that they change and stop murdering people for 'justice.' Also Queen's sister = the worst Speedy ever. I'm just saying! Also, awesome! I'm interested to know what you think of Ouran.

    3. Overall, I enjoyed Ouran a lot. There were about three episodes that I disliked (the ones about the Zuku Club episodes), but the rest of the series was positively hilarious! The character development was surprisingly good for a comedy, especially the twins and Kyoya. Aside from those few episodes, it is one of the funniest series that I have seen. Some of the shojo elements were a tad annoying, but I thought the satire of it was funny. The Host Club is like a series pandering to their audience with the audience being the ladies at the Host Club. Also, I enjoyed how the series was hilariously self-aware and breaking the third wall. Thank you for recommending it!


  3. They have some of the same creators from Arrow on this show so I have faith that its in good hands. Arrow had a bit of a rocky start (like most shows) its first season, but this second season was INCREDIBLE.

    I foresee Flash having a bit of a rocky start as well, but once they get the world and characters established, it will be tons of fun. Not to mention the two shows will most likely cross over from time to time which would be awesome.

    As far as these two showing up in the Justice League movie, I wouldn't count them out entirely. Granted there is a lot of legal mumbo jumbo, but the fact still remains that Warner Brothers owns the CW and the justice league movie. If there is enough fan outcry for it, they will make it happen. Money talks

    1. I cannot wait to see Arrow for myself soon!

      You are probably right about a potentially slow start for the speedster. But the crossover factor is something I am really looking forward to though!

      While I do not think it is as small a possibility as say, Spidey in The Avengers, Warner Bros. seem to be adamant about no crossover, but we shall see...


  4. Well, the very beginning of the trailer looked kinda 'meh'--I can only take so many "cop environment" shows, okay, they all start to feel and look the same--but then the part where they were discovering his powers looked pretty interesting. That is until the later half of the video and it started to feel familiar again (had the same feeling with the Gotham trailer.) And I feel like I just saw the first two or three episodes crammed into a five minute video. I don't know, the trailer for Constantine looked a lot more interesting to me than this one. I probably will not bother with The Flash unless you really like and recommend it or something.


    1. Since you are not a fan of DC in the slightest, I can why you really do not care much about the series. But I did think you would be interested in Constantine and I was right! :)


  5. I actually really, really, enjoy Arrow. Sure, it's stupid in places, but it's fun and relatively well-acted. The action scenes are superb. But Flash doesn't convince me...I'll definitely try it, but the trailer gave little for me to hope for.

    1. Arrow seem to have a split opinion and fanbase, so I am interested in seeing what I think of it my self.



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