
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice: Official MOS Sequel Title

The official title for the Man of Steel is here, and it: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Yeah.... a "Man of Steel" sequel where the supposed "supporting character" Batman gets top billing. It sounds better with Batman first, and we all know that Batman is DC's most popular character, but this title is still dumb. Obviously, the "Dawn of Justice" part of the title refers to the formation of the Justice League with Wonder Woman and Cyborg being cast in the movie. So, this essentially means that the movie is going to be a Justice League prequel/setup movie, and not a Man of Steel sequel. For one, critics HATE this kind of thing. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hinted at a few things and added one very minor, and somewhat unnecessary character, and the critics berated it, so Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is going to suck, although we probably already guessed that a long time ago. Also, what's up with using "V" in the title? What is this a court case!? To be blunt, I laughed, a lot, after reading the title, because they really are giving Superman second billing in his sequel. This is like if Iron Man 2 featured Thor and Captain America as unnecessary side characters and then jumped straight into The Avengers! Okay, you have heard it here first people: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is going to the BEST comedy of 2016.... Now that I have stopped ranting on about how dumb DC is, please comment below and let me know what you think of the new title. Also, please enjoy the following gifs of everyone else's reaction to the official title.

Yeah, this is what happened when Superman heard the news.

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  1. My reaction was very similar to Tom Hiddleston's.... :D And I agree, this is shaping up to be a fantastic comedy. I think I might be excited. I mean, I always knew they wouldn't be able to hold a candle to anything Marvel, but now I'm thinking they realized it too. Oh the cheesiness...

    1. LOL You are right! I think they have given up and admitted defeat with this corny new title.


  2. I've shared my views w/others, but it's worth repeating. DC has not learned the lesson of Marvel: build one character at a time BEFORE throwing them in all together. They went bit by bit, tying things together but not too much, until they could make The Avengers. DC wants to throw everyone in and get things over w/as quickly as possible. The end result: stuffing the turkey until it explodes.

    One of the reasons I didn't like ASM2 was because it felt like I was watching a Sinister Six trailer masquerading as a Spider-Man movie. I know we disagree on that, but on this we see eye to eye: "Dawn of Justice" (as if NO ONE got the reference) is already starting to sink because it's overloaded (and I'm not even getting into some of the casting). It's going to take a lot to pull it off, but so far everything points to this being a disaster.

    I hope not, but this is not looking good...

    1. Exactly! Marvel knew exactly what they were doing by building the movies slowly and then end up with the ultimate superhero team-up. DC on the other hand, are going to end up with a turkey like you said.

      Yes, we do definitely agree about "Dawn of Justice" being a disaster though.


  3. (This comment is written in a sarcastic voice) Oh joy, people! We get a Superman movie that's really a Batman sequel that has too many characters thrown in, unless they amount to blink-miss cameos, in which case why are they here. Even to one such as me who has only watched the movies and tries not to have an emotional investment in whether it's good or not, this reeks of desperation. I bet if you went out and asked a real DC fan, they would concur with this idea: Forget rivaling Marvel, because the only way you can pretend to do it in this decade is to rush the films and squeeze they're doing. The smart plan would have been to make Nolan's films Batman's backstory, and then follow Marvel's blueprint and release Justice League in 2018. By that plan, there might have been a debate between the fanbases... But they're doing it this way now b/c in this day and age 90% of real DC fans are actually specifically fans of the Nolan Batman films, so of course Batman gets top billing. To the DC film Execs I would say this "You are sad, strange, little men, and you have my pity." B/c you can tell that the DC people have a bad inferiority complex over the fact that Marvel took the time to execute a plan...

    1. Hahaha, good one JT! And I agree, most "DC fans" are Nolan Batman fans, not real DC fans. No really cares about any DC except for Batman .


  4. I don't find the title THAT atrocious...but I really think they should have just called it "World's Finest" or "Dawn of Justice". I realize that for marketing purposes they included Batman and Superman's name in there but really only people who live under a rock aren't going to know this thing is coming out. The Batman vs. Superman portion is what ruins it for me. It sounds so cartoonish.

    As for the movie itself...I am curiously optimistic. I'm not quite on the "it will suck" train like you are. I thought Man of Steel had a ton of redeeming just got way overdone in the end. I'm really hoping that with Ben Affleck on board he gives Snyder a few tips and that WB goes off their recent success of Godzilla by "limiting" the destruction.

    I'm still infuriated by the casting of Jesse Eisenberg though. I hate that kid.

    Also, and I know I've said it before, but if Stephen Amell is NOT the Green Arrow in this film (or that it gets confirmed that the worlds are not linked) I will take away an entire point from my review score. No matter how awesome the movie is. Simply put, Arrow (and hopefully the upcoming Flash TV show that had an awesome trailer) are DC's best live action properties right now. Arrow Season 2 didn't just make the show the best comic book show on TV, it made it one of the best shows on TV period right now.

    1. Making Zack Sndyer the director of Justice League was the last straw for me having any hope that the movie will be great, so I have just given up on them entirely. But I agree, the title is way too cartoonish!

      I do agree that Man of Steel had redeeming qualities, since I liked more than most, but unless Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and whoever else they want to throw into the movie are cameos, it is going to be the most overstuffed movie ever, and Sndyer is no Joss Whedon, so I am worried mostly about that. Maybe we will be wrong, but DC does not seem to be listening to the fans.

      From what I understand, it is not legally possible to combine the CW's DC universe and the movie-verse, so that sucks. But I do agree that the new Flash trailer looks awesome, and I plan to watch Arrow soon as well.


  5. With every sad and awful move that DC makes, the less and less energy I want to put into reacting to them. It's just becoming too much awful in the mouth. :)


    1. Haha, you are right. DC is making so many mistakes that they almost not even worth wasting your time reacting to them. :)



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