
Monday, April 14, 2014

Winter Soldier: First Reaction

Just go back from watching The Winter Soldier and my mind is officially blown! Honestly, until the reviews and trailer came out, I expected this to be the weakest of the Phase 2 Marvel movies because getting Captain America in modern day right, is incredibly difficult and the Russo brothers actually did it. The IMAX 3D was fun, and even though the 3D was not amazing, seeing the film on the large screen is a must. Also seeing the movie on the biggest screen possible is a must. Go watch the movie right now if you have not already. On another side note, noisy kids should not be allowed in theaters! Fortunately, the kid only made noise during the first half, but I still can't stand kids! My review will be coming soon. Go watch the movie is you have not already and there were some awesome parts for those that watch Agents of SHIELD as well.

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  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it James, I really enjoyed how it tied in with Agents of shield most recent episodes.

    1. I have not seen last week's episodes, but I agree, the tie-in was great! It really added another layer to both the series and movie.


  2. Glad you finally got to see it, and I'm happy to hear you had fun seeing it. The movie was awesome, and is definitely a good film, but like I said before, I just don't see how it's better than the Avengers...
    During some of the parts with SPOILERS sitwell, I was like, 'No! Not Sitwell!', it was a major shock from that. Arina...Arima...Arima, the guy who played the Dreamlord in Doctor Who, people were saying he could've been the Clairvoyant. (END SPOILERS) I can't wait to see your review of Cap 2, James. Hope you get to see AOS soon.
    (By the way, they're reshowing last week's episode tomorrow night at 8/7c, and then the new episode will come on after that).

    1. Agreed, definitely not as amazing as The Avengers, but it was not far behind either. I loved it!
      I know! I totally did not see Sitwell being with HYDRA coming. And oh my, Zola being the Clairvoyant was unexpected but awesome at the same time! That was such a smart tie-in!
      Thanks for the info again! Fortunately, I recorded the episode on my DVR so I will be watching it later tonight.


    2. Glad to hear that. Can't wait to see what you thought of the episode of AOS. It was really shocking, so...
      When Zola started talking, I thought, 'that sounds that the Doctor who gave Cap the serum-no! That's....that's the Dreamlord!' (I couldn't remember Zola's name, so in my head he's the Dreamlord...heh), and when, who was it, Sitwell? When Sitwell mentioned that he could use the past to look to the future, I thought, "Wait a second...couldn't you have told Coulson that?" but with last week's episode of AOS, it changes things, and kind of makes me more confused on some topics...*End Spoilers* I can't wait to see what you thought of the episode, James!

  3. I've heard mixed reviews so far, from "EPIC!" to "Kind of predictable." I plan to go over Easter break and see for myself! :)


    1. Thank you Stephanie for dropping by and commenting. For the most part, the critics are very positive, and if have any interest in Marvel movies, I doubt you will be disappointed. :)


  4. My friends and I all thought it was the best of of the lot...The action explained itself, so I knew what was happening, but seriously I think helicarrier destruction is becoming a laugably standard thing. Even though it has only happened in two films so far, you can bet that the helicarrier will explode in every Captain America and Avengers team-up, because it's such a big action scene...Oh wait, they won't be building anymore for a while anyway...

    1. Even though the Avengers is still my favorite, I can completely see why anyone would say it is a the best of Marvel's movies. It really is something special. Interesting point about the helicarrier, but *SPOILER* I don't think we will be seeing another for sometime.


  5. YOU SAW IT AAAAAHHHH IT WAS SO GOOD I WANT TO REWATCH IT. Looking forward to your main review!!!

    1. Honestly, I almost want to go see the movie in theaters again!!!!


  6. So... how old was this kid? Three? Six? Nine? Too young to appreciate the movie, or too young not to contain his excitement?

    Some adults shouldn't be allowed in theaters either. When I saw Get Smart in the theater, a woman sat down right next to me (which kind of annoys me -- I like my comfort zone of stranger-free space) and then, every time something crazy or unbelievable happened, she would say, "Yeah, right," or "Oh, sure," or "That could never happen." OUT LOUD!!! At what is clearly a non-serious, over-the-top action comedy. And after an hour of that, quiet and unassuming me had had far more than enough, so I leaned over and said, "Ma'am, you are ruining this movie for me. You obviously have no idea what theater-going etiquette is. I can't deal with you any more." And I got up and moved to another row and sat next to some charming, appreciative teen girls who were enjoying the movie.

    A noisy kid is not the worst thing ever. A rude and noisy adult just might be. I'm just sayin' ;-)


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.