
Sunday, April 27, 2014

New Hobbit Movie Name: The Battle of the Five Armies

After many rumors that suggested that the next Hobbit movie would be re-named to, "Into the Fire," Peter Jackson has finally revealed the new name of the third film, "The Battle of the Five Armies." So, yeah.... not the best name ever, but it could have been worse I suppose. Originally, the third Hobbit movie was named "There and Back Again," which has now been the suggested name for the trilogy box set, because it is the final installment in the Hobbit franchise. Despite not having read the books, I do know that there is a "Battle of the Five Armies" that takes place, and naming the movie after that will hopefully make general audiences more interested in seeing a film about a giant battle. Obviously, the title of the film is entirely a marketing strategy, and providing it works, I do not have any problems, except for the fact that the name sounds kind of dumb. It is not terrible, but "Into the Fire," sounds particularly cool and epic, whereas "The Battle of the Five Armies" is more generic and overly long. Overall, the title does not matter that much providing that the actual battle is satisfyingly epic and amazing as the name implies. What do you think of the name change? Please comment below and let me know. Also, tomorrow is my third Blogoversary! And to celebrate the occasion, I have written a retrospective about some milestones and why the blog was made in the first place. Also, my review for Oscar Nominated Captain Phillips will be coming as well.

Also, below is the upcoming posting schedule:
Monday: Three Year Blogoversary! And A Retrospective
Tuesday: Agents of SHIELD: The Only Light in the Darkness
Wednesday: Captain Phillips
Thursday: Seven Samurai Review
Friday: Coming Soon: April

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I was kinda mad about the name change. There And Back Again sounded Like something that would make you choke up because its over. The journey is complete sort of feelings.
    The Battle Of Five Armies.....I agree its overly long and it just seems dreary to me. I've read the books and the last movie ended on an awkward note so really I'm interested to see how they drag this movie out. I hope they can pull it off. (Which I dont think should be a problem.)

    1. Yeah, I am still not entirely what to think of the name change, but There and Back Again did sound really good.


  2. I can see why they did it, but I don't think it was a good change. There and Back Again is, in my opinion, an amazing title, and should be used... somewhere. But, that being said, I stopped being bothered by the little mistakes (as I consider them) in these Hobbit movies since when I did let them bother me, it affected my enjoyment of them. I'm excited for this movie, no matter what it's called!

    1. I agree, I have not cared about titles either. The actual movie is what is important.


  3. While I preferred the original name(since I liked how it hearkened back to the title of the book Bilbo was writing in LOTR), and the new name does seem a bit goofy, as long as the movie is awesome and well done, I'll be okay.

    1. Agreed, the quality of the movie is the number one thing that is important.


  4. can I be the first to say CORNY?! :P

    Anyway, I've have felt really bad for all my LotR friends as I've seen several react poorly to the title switch. :(


    1. LOL, it is interesting hearing the opinion of an outside of the fandom. :) (BUT YOU NEED TO WATCH LOTR)


  5. Yes, the film's going to be half five army battle and half everything else, but it's a sell-out really, (if only they had left out the second "the"--The title's even clunkier for that...) I agree w/ everyone who thinks there and back again was an awesome title, b/c well, it is. Enough said there.But this makes more sense than "Into the Fire" Unless they were thinking a metaphorical sense of fire of combat, b/c not only is the dragon going to die in the first half of the film, but they already did plenty of going 'into the fire' in the last movie. So before I find myself writing an essay in your comment box I will just stop at yes the original title was better but the other suggestion was worse.
    ^(26 hilarious crowdsourced alternatives to the official title, with several more in the comments that were not bannerized. Nearly all are however, puns from other films...)

    1. You should have put a disclaimer because I followed those links... and then almost died laughing. :D

    2. Loved those! "The Eagles Have Landed" had me in stitches. And "Necromancing the Arkenstone" and "Catching Fire" were brilliant. "The Beorn Ultimatum" is still making me giggle as I type this. Many thanks for sharing! That really brightened up my Monday.

    3. @JT: Please remember to put a spoiler warning next time, but thanks a lot for the hilarious links! Those are great!


    4. Oops, yeah I ruined a pretty big plot point for film-only fans there. I only said it in passing to make my point, disregarding whether it was general knowledge or not. But I can't edit the text now...;(

  6. Hmm. "Into the Fire" is a little too... vague. And "The Battle of the Five Armies" is clunky. But "There and Back Again" refers to the whole story, and they already got there in the last movie, so it wouldn't make sense for the third installment. Oh well, a movie is more than its title.

    1. I thought the same thing about "There and Back Again." Really, there are no actual good names for the movie considering that it splits one book into three movies.



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