
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Expendables 3 Trailer Review

Another new trailer for The Expendables 3 has been released with actual footage of all the actors this time, and it has one heck of a cast. Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and a ton of others are all here, and the movie looks like it is going to be a lot of fun like the second Expendables. My first impression of the trailer is that budget is higher and the look of the movie is a little more modern and polished. Unfortunately, Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis will not be returning but anytime you replace someone with Harrison Ford, it is a win-win situation. My second impression of the is that the movie is basically saying "Look at all the big name actors, go watch the movie!" The clips of all the actors look a little odd; almost more like a fan edit trailer than an official release. But other than that, it looks like the movie is going to be dumb fun. Hopefully the movie will not try and take itself too seriously like the last two Expendables movies (not as much a problem for the second one). Also, the trailers says"For one last ride," which means this is the last Expendables I suppose. An Expendabelles movie is in the works, which is about the female version of The Expendables. All I have to say about that movie is that Sigourney Weaver and Carrie-Anne Moss need to be in that movie. What are your thoughts on the Expendables 3 trailer? Please comment below and let me know. Also, please check back tomorrow or the next day for my review of The Expendables 2.

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  1. I reckon the movie is gotta have more energy and power. I hope for Schwarzenegger's role expands on more scenes and I just can't wait.

  2. The fun of The Expendables is that it makes you want to watch Rocky and Mad Max and Blade and Desperado all over again.
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