
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Attack on Titan on Toonami

The titan sized smash hit, Attack on Titan, will be premiering the English dub on Toonami May 3rd! If you are not familiar with it, Attack on Titan is animated series that aired last year and it was met with widespread critical and fan praise making it the most popular anime in years, as it caught the interest of many non-fans of the medium. As I have stated before, I have been holding out on watching Attack on Titan's Blu-Ray release for my summer break, so that I could marathon the series and watch it legally in HD. With this recent announcement however, I will start watching the when it airs on Toonami and when the Blu-Ray is released, I will probably pick up the series from there. Since, for the first four weeks, I will be watching Attack on Titan on a weekly basis, I will probably review the first few episodes individually if enough readers are interested. Needless to say, I am extremely excited! Also, watching Toonami supports anime in America, which is one of the reasons why I watched Space Dandy on Toonami when there are many easily obtainable pirated versions out there without commercials. It will air at 11:30pm on Cartoon Network during the Toonami block, and if you do not get that channel, be assured that the series will be available shortly after online for those interested in watching it. What are your thoughts of Attack on Titan on Toonami? Are you interested in reading episode reviews for Attack on Titan? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. (hears about show and comes bursting in through the door) Did someone say Attack on Titan!? :D
    Awesome, I'm so glad you'll be able to start it!! :D It's my favorite anime and I absolutely love it! I hope you like it as well! (I've already seen the Sub version, but I want to re-watch the English dub to see how the actors say the lines and such). And yes, I'd really love seeing reviews for the first few episodes! :) Looking forward to hearing your thoughts of the series! :) And I hope you enjoy it!! :D

    1. LOL I love the opening of your comment! And yes someone did mention Attack on Titan! :D

      I am so freaking excited for the series! Virtually everyone that I know online loves it! Normally, I would care either way about watching a sub, but since the dub is premiering at the perfect time that I want to start watching the series, it is too good of an opportunity! And once the dub is up, I will send you a link.
      I will definitely start reviewing the episodes when I watch them. :) Thanks for the feedback.


  2. Attack on Titan is an amazing series. I'd give it a 9/10, or perhaps a 9.5 if I'm really generous. The problem I have with it is its inconsistency in pacing, but other than that, it delivers in practically every department, and it delivers extremely well. I'm excited for the ride you're taking!

    1. Sounds awesome! I am absurdly excited to see the series! I should have probably watched it during my Winter break, but I am sure that I will love it.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.