
Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Walking Dead: Still Review

Finally! An entire episode about everyone's favorite crossbow wielding redneck zombie slayer, Daryl Dixon.
*Spoilers Ahead*
Considering that Daryl is basically everyone's favorite character, myself included, an episode that focuses on only him and Beth was an exciting idea, and while it was a very good episode, it was not the best. After seeing her father decapitated by the Governor, Beth basically wants to become an alcoholic for no other reason than her father is dead. While her motives for wanting to get a drink because she can and to help her get past her father's death could be an intriguing idea, the execution was lacking. Beth has been one of my favorite side characters of the Walking Dead series for a while, and getting to see more of her was a good thing, but she bordered on annoying for half the episode. She is certainly not the next "Andrea" as some are saying though. If I am not mistaken, this is the first Walking Dead episode to only feature two non-dead characters (thanks for info Jamie). 
Daryl acted like a pissed-off jerk for the first half of the episode and while he did have reason to be angry, he was not really Daryl, which was odd. Thankfully we got to hear some of his backstory in the old abandoned moonshiner shack and develop his character a lot more. As for the possible romance between Daryl and Beth, I hope it does not happen because the age gap is 17 years. Hopefully there will continue to be no romance for Daryl in the future. The spoon with Washington DC on it was obviously hinting at the possibility of characters heading that way in the future, but I hope that will only be for the spin-off series. The final resolution between Daryl and Beth after getting drunk was satisfying and well executed as they essentially flipped off the past. Per-usual, the zombie horror and action was intense and creepy. The series never ceasing to impress me with its ability to produce nail biting suspense!

And yes, that was a real snake that Norman Reedus was eating.

Overall: 8.2/10- As a Daryl fan, part of me wants to say that this was a fantastic episode, but the critic side of me keeps saying that it has some flaws. In the end, "Still" might be a filler episode, but it was still entertaining.

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  1. WOW That was a real snake?! That's neat!!

    This is my new favorite episode just because of all the character back story and character development: there was more packed in that episode than in whole tv shows I've seen! I agree, though, at the beginning Daryl didn't seem like himself but I thought it was explained pretty well by the end why. Beth kinda went through a "Rebellious Carl" stage during the first half that did border on annoying but because everything wrapped up so well I was able to forgive her. :P I also Daryl does not any romance either; I think he and Beth could have a great Big Brother/Little Sister relationship that could work really well. And honestly, the show doesn't need another couple story arc while they have Glenn and Maggie. :D


    1. I was surprised as well!

      Part of me wanted to say that it was the best episode, but the other part was not so sure. Now I sound like I have a split personality! :P I do agree that it was explained well enough as to why he was different, but I thought the episode could have handled a little better. Considering how much different of a character Beth is than Carl, I was rather hoping that she would not end up doing something like that, but alas it happened. At least the ending was great though! :D And yes, Glenn and Maggie should be the only couple in the series. :)


  2. I am growing a little impatient with all the back-story and character development. More mayhem please.

    1. The back story and character development have not been a big issue for me, but if tonight's episode does not give us something good, I will not be pleased. Thanks for the comment Steve!


  3. This second half has annoyed me a little, as it's obvious they're holding back stuff for the finale and having our cast tread water. I love that we've had more King of the Universe but like you lot, I don't want a Daryl/Beth romance. Joe looks promising!

    1. It was the first half that annoyed me a bit actually. But yes, more Daryl is never a bad thing! I am still not sure what their relationship is like. It is platonic or romantic?

      By the way, which episode are you referring to? The one I reviewed here did not have Joe in it? That was the next episode.



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