
Friday, March 28, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Trailer

A trailer for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie where Michael Bay tries once again to cash in on nostalgia with another much loved franchise from the 80s/90s. Sometime that I have not talked much on the blog is that, when I was a kid, I was a big Ninja Turtles fan, a really big fan. I grew up watching the old TMNT movies, and my brother and I had a ton of the action figures. So, even though my realistic expectations for this are relatively low, my unrealistic hopes are that this movie is going to be good or at least fun, and the trailer actually gives me some hope. Despite the backlash that Michael Bay receives, his first Transformers was actually quite a lot of fun, and Bay is not even directing the movie, he is only producer, with Jonathan Liebesman as director. As for the trailer itself, even though casting a white guy and not an Asia one as the Shredder kind of sucks, the Turtles actually look kind of cool and BA. The face of the Turtles look a little too much like a rabbit than I would like, but the overall design of them looks dark and gritty, which is good. Hopefully, this movie will do for the Turtles what the first Transformers movie did for that franchise, or it could actually turn out to be a good movie, which would be even better. Thankfully, the fan backlash about making the Turtles aliens made Bay and company retcon that decision, and it looks like the movie is going to a fun retelling of the origin story. On a side note, from what I remember reading a long time ago, the original TMNT comics were much darker than the TV series and movies, so there is source material to go off of.

If you were a fan of the Ninja Turtles, which one is your favorite? Mine was always Raphael, which is making me wonder why he is not in the trailer, and Jacob's was always Leonardo. As kids, we got into heated debates about which one would win in a fight, which we would often act out with our action figures. 

What do you think of the trailer? Please let me know what you think in the comments.

Also, sorry for the delay of the Agents of SHIELD review, that will now be coming on Monday or Tuesday.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I was always a huge TMNT fan myself, though my favorite was Leonardo. As for this trailer, I have to take the opposite view. I tend to find all of Michael Bay's movies tedious and really dumb, and even though he's not directing this one, looking at it and the filmography of the man who is doesn't fill me with confidence.

    Aside from the Shredder being changed to a white guy scientist, aside from Megan Fox being a bad actress, my real problem (from this teaser, anyway) is the Turtles themselves. To me, they're just ugly. Really ugly looking as CG motion capture creatures. They're also huge! They look like big dumb monsters.

    I still think the old puppet/costumes from the first film (the 2nd and third, not so much) still hold up really well. They're charming and impressive practical effects. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to this. I personal hate all the Transformers movies, the first one seems to get a pass from most people, though I'm convinced its only because of how awful the two sequels are. The first one (to me) is just as bad.

    1. I agree that Bay's movies are dumb, and I really do wish someone was producing the movie, but nothing is going to change that.

      The Turtles being huge is not a problem for me since we are supposed to believe that these Turtles can take on guys with guns, so making them big is making them more believable. I do agree that they could look better.

      Oh yes, the old costumes from the first movie still look good. I loved that movie when I was a kid. I don't hate the Transformers movie, I just hate how much money the movies make. Honestly, when I heard Bay was attached, my expectations have been basically rock bottom. Seriously, anything better than watchable at this point is encouraging. I am resigned to the fact that the movie will suck most a couple of years ago.


  2. I've never known that much about TMNT and I never really been able to take what I've seen that seriously. Ninja turtles? I don't know, I can't judge that much for knowing very little about it but if the movie turns out not being bad I'll probably watch it when it's on DVD. I'll give almost anything superhero-like a chance! :P


    1. If you did not get into the Turtles when you were a kid, there is not much that can make you like it when you are older. Hopefully the movie will be fun.

  3. I'm actually on a massive TMNT kick at this very moment, although the 2003-2007 animated series is the only one I've ever truly enjoyed, so this trailer couldn't come at a better time, but... Wow. I'm going agree with a few of Banon's points, including: why are the Turtles so HUGE, and why are they so ugly? I don't think I've ever seen such terrible looking versions of them before, especially their faces. And... honestly? This looks like another "who cares about the story so long as it has awesome action sequences?" movie, which I've realized I have no tolerance for anymore. I'm terribly disappointed with this first trailer, but I'll wait until at least one more trailer is released before making any true judgement calls.

    (And Raphael was the Turtle who collided with the army jeep.)

    1. I loved that series when I was a kid! Like I told Banon, the Turtles being huge is not a problem for me, but the little shot of the faces could be better.
      Ever since Bay was attached, my expectations for the movie hit rock bottom, since even if the movie is a all action no story movie, I will still probably enjoy it.

      Your right! How did I miss that!? I thought it was Micky at first.

      Thanks for the input!


  4. The 80s TMNT series is one of my favorites. From the title song to the voicework - that was a classic.

    My favorites are Leonardo and Donatello.

    This new version makes me curious. Looks to be fun.

    I look forward to William Fichtner's Shredder. And most importantly, I want to see their version of Splinter.


    1. That theme song is so fun and classic!

      I agree, it does look fun. Even though I wish an Asia actor was playing the character, Fichtner does look good in the role. I agree, we really need to see Splinter. I wonder what direction the movie will take the characters.


  5. Thought it was pretty solid, I think it looks like it'll be fun! I always thought Donatello was my favorite.


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