
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New X-Men Days of Future Past Trailer

A new X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer is here and it looks X-traordinary! This trailer is a stark contrast compared to other trailers with a somber tone and a lack of humor, which is making me X-tremely X-cited. OK, I will stop with the X puns. This looks like a war movie and Bryan Singer's direction looks excellent. The costumes and characters all look great. There certainly seem to be a lot of mutant powers on display and all of them look great. Jackman, McKellen, Stewart, Fassbender, McAvoy, Lawrence, and others all look great. Blink (blue Asia girl) and the others look cool and right out of the comics. 
On the negative side, Quicksilver looks just as horrible as everyone expected him to. But what strikes me the most is the look and build of the Sentinels. In the comics, they were a lot bigger and not malleable. What else is odd is that the Sentinels' face blast rips off the look of the Destroyer armor from Thor and it is not even close to that in the comics. They should be giant imposing robots, not T-1000s from Terminator. My only other concern is that there will be too many characters for one movie. Also, anyone else hopes that Storm dies in this movie? As much as I liked Halle Berry as actress, she is a terrible Storm. 
My overall thoughts on the movie and the trailer are: Shut up and take my money! I am going to see this in theaters and it is still one of my most anticipated movies of the year for sure. What did you think of the trailer? Please comment below.

Below is the picture of, what I believe to be, an official poster. It looks kind of odd but it is at the end of the officially uploaded trailers.

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  1. I agree! :D I saw the trailer last night and it looked awesome and made me even more excited to see the film! :D It looks like it will be very exciting and interesting and I definitely hope to go see it in theaters this year :)
    I've seen the first two X-Men films, which other ones should I watch before viewing this one?

    1. Definitely watch X-Men 3: The Last Stand (it is not that good but it is important to the story) and X-Men: First Class. Skip X-Men: Origins Wolverine because it is horrible, but watch The Wolverine (and the after credits) because that movie is great and it is set in Japan with Samurai and other cool stuff. :)


  2. You need to watch X-Men 3 (the Last Stand) and X-Men First Class. You can give the Wolverine ones a miss.

  3. I'm psyched about this film too and hope it will be THE superhero flick of 2014. I still read the X-Men comic and love the merry mutants!

    1. Until I read the great reviews for The Winter Soldier, I was almost certain that it would be THE superhero flick, but I am not sure anymore. But I certainly hope so since X-Men were my first favorite Marvel comic. I need to start reading the current comics though.


  4. Trailer looks great, think the main Sentinel shown are from the future portions. Think the 60s versions should be closer to what's in the comics. Halle Barry in this series is utterly forgettable.

    1. Ah, that is a good call. I hope you are right because I really like my classic Sentinels. I almost wish I could forget about her sometimes. She is nothing like the character.


  5. I really want to see Days of Future Past in theaters when it comes out! :) I just started watching the X-Men movies and I like them a lot.

    1. Which ones have you seen so far? And which are your favorite? I love those movies. Well, most of them. :)


    2. So far I've seen First Class, X-Men, and Origins (In that order. I'm thinking though that Origins would fit better before First Class.) Which do you not like as much? I think I like First Class best so far, even though Wolverine's not in it (well, he is for that one short scene, but still). :) Which is your favorite?

  6. *Oops, I mean I think Origins would fit better before X-Men. This is getting confusing. :)


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