
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Tonight!

Super Bowl XLVIII, Seahawks vs Broncos, and possibly Peyton Manning's final game! Along with the game, we will be getting to see some trailers for upcoming movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Transformers 4, and several others. The game will hopefully have some hilarious commercials and sometime in the next two weeks I will probably make of list of the best Super Bowl commercials, if anyone is interested. Bruno Mars is performing in the Halftime show and I cannot say that I am interested very much, but I suppose I will try and watch some of it before fast forwarding it. Since I do not really have a stake in either team, I guess I will pull for Peyton Manning and the Broncos because he has always been a fun player to watch. Who are you pulling for? Are you watching the game tonight? Please comment below.
EDIT: I forgot to add that I had a strange dream last night where I was reading that the Broncos lost the Super Bowl and then I woke and was wondering how I missed the Super Bowl! (no joke)

I just thought this was funny.

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    1. I get the feeling you are a Broncos fan. Haha, good one Jordan!


  2. I suppose I shall pull for the Seahawks since they are my grandparents team and I know nothing about Broncos. I wish I could watch the game since I understand how it works now, but alas, I won't be able to watch it tonight...


    1. That's unfortunate that you can't watch the Super Bowl. :/ But I am glad that you learned more about football now. :)


  3. and me I don't watch tv. and im not very big on football. im the kinda guy who would like to be out there doing it myself. id probably watch it if i was with my grandpa though


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.