
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hilarious Sam L. Jackson Video

During an interview with Samuel L. Jackson on a news network about his upcoming movie RoboCop movie, the interviewer confuses Sam L. Jackson with Laurence Fishburne when he asks about Jackson's Super Bowl commercial, which he did not actually make. Even though Sam L. got a little too mad at the guy for confusing him with Fishburne, it was, nonetheless, the hilarious! If you are unfamiliar with Jackson and Fishburne, Jackson plays Nick Fury in the Avengers movie, Mace Windu in Star Wars, as well as many other great movies. Fishburne played Morpheus in the Matrix trilogy, and if you want to see the Super Bowl commercial that was referenced, you can watch it below. Even though the commercial was not particularly that great, being a fan of The Matrix, it was fun seeing Fishburne playing Morpheus again. What did you think of the videos? Please comment below and check back tomorrow for my review of the latest Walking Dead episode. 

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  1. That is epic! Sam actually handled it with good humour, considering. As for the Fishbourne ad, I love it!!

  2. LOL Wow, I can't believe that actually happened! I feel so embarrassed for both of them, haha! Sorry, I didn't comment sooner, I slept in till eleven this morning (ITS THE WEEKEND) and then directly went out for shopping with Kayla and didn't get home till four in which I watched Castle with everyone, so I'm just getting on my computer now!


    1. LOL That has to have been incredibly embarrassing! No problem, thank you for commenting Jamie! :) I hope you had a good time. ;)



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