
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Full Trailer

The full Guardians of the Galaxy has finally arrived! Wow! That was awesome! It was hilarious and it looks so cool! It looks witty, fun, and entirely different than anything else I have seen; Guardians of the Galaxy has risen up my list of most anticipated movies of the year list. The tone and look is different than any other comic book movie out there and I hope the movie does well because this looks more like Star Wars combined with Doctor Who and other sci-fi franchises than the usual comic book movie. And that music is great, who doesn't love some good old 70s music! The humor is spot on  with comments like "what a bunch of A-holes" and "I'm Star Lord man, legendary outlaw...." and the "Obscene Gesture" blocker. My only disappointment is that we did not get to hear Rocket Raccoon's voice! Why?! I need to know if the movie is going to have a cockney accent! Also, the lineup reminded me a lot of The Usual Suspects, which I watched recently. If, for whatever reason, you do not know, Guardians of the Galaxy is apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which means they could make an appearance in the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron. Closer to the time of when the movie is going to be released, I will review the first issue of the new Guardians of the Galaxy comic book. My first impression of the trailer is that it is impressive and I give it two thumbs up! What did you think of the trailer? Please comment below and check back tomorrow for my review of Pacific Rim. 

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  1. Looks like an interesting film! :) I am definitely glad there is a girl superhero in this film(though I wish there were one or two more), since I love female superheroes :). Hopefully I can see it when it comes out in theaters.

    1. I am glad as well. Hopefully Gamora will be the Black Widow of the Guardians in terms of awesomeness. :)


  2. Yep, I want to see this movie. Looks awesome, and so out there, and futuristic like nothing I've seen before. I like how the trailer introduces them. It seems more like a long teaser trailer though -- we don't get to hear any of them speak except Chris Pratt. ... They do all speak, right? :P

    1. Exactly, it is nothing like anything I have seen before and it looks awesome! From what I have read, this is technically a long teaser, so that does make sense, but I do hope we will get to hear some of the other characters talk! Groot can only say "I am Groot," but yes, the other characters can talk.


  3. Now I REALLY want to see it! I've been reading bits and pieces about it as they came out, but the trailer is great! And it is Marvel, and I like Marvel movies, so it got points for that alone. Can't wait till it is out!

    1. I am glad you are interested in seeing the movie as well! Yep, if its Marvel, it will be a must see!


  4. This looks so weird and bizarre but I'm rather excited!!! I hope it proves to be fantastic!

    1. Hopefully the weird and bizarreness of the trailer will make other people interested in the movie as well. :)


  5. That was sure one interesting trailer. I'm not sure how well its going to go over with the public, but as a Marvel fan I loved it.

    I think that we could truly could be in for something special with GotG

    1. Good point, I have not thought of what the general public will think of the trailer. I agree, GotG is hopefully going to be something special, and if it is anything like this trailer, it is going to be great!


  6. I am actually crazy excited for this movie! The trailer is awesome! I love love looooove Nebula and the split second we saw her on screen. I cant wait!:)

    1. Me too! Yes! Karen Gillan looks great as Nebula. :)


  7. Expect to be hooked on a feeling.

    1. Thanks for the link Steve! That song was great.



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