
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Star Wars: Revenge of the Myth Airs Tonight

Tonight on the Discovery channel, Mythbusters is going to have a Star Wars special where they test various myths from the legendary sci-fi franchise. For those that have never seen Mythbusters, it is a reality series where the hosts test myths scientifically to determine whether or not said myth is even possible. Most of the hosts of the show actually worked at Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) on the Star Wars prequels. Above is a video of the hosts discussing how Star Wars impacted their careers and the one below is a clip from the upcoming episode. Mythbusters has been around for over ten years and I have been a fan of the series since the beginning and I have watched all 231 episodes, so you could say that I am a fan. Reality television is not something that I discuss often on this blog, but Mythbusters is my favorite of the genre. Does anyone else watch Mythbusters? Are you interested in the Star Wars special? Please comment below and let me know.

Below is a video of the hosts discussing which franchise had more of an impact on special effects.

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  1. Mythbusters is one of my favorite shows. I can't really remember how long I've been watching....
    I don't think I've seen every single episode, but I've seen quite a few. Mythbusters is one of my top favorite TV shows. I'm really excited to see this episode, and hopefully I'll be able to watch this one quite soon! I can't wait to see what kind of myths they'll be testing!

    1. Cool! I'm glad another fan! :) I know, I am looking forward to seeing which myths are tested in the episode as well.


  2. I have seen a couple Mythbusters episodes but not much more than that. This one sounds quite interesting!


    1. When this is on Netflix or something you might want to give it a try. :)


  3. I've seen one episode and never watched all the rest. That show might get impossible!

  4. I love Mythbusters! Haven't watched it in ages. I'll have to see if we can find this online for sure. Thanks for the heads-up!

    1. That's great! If I happen to find the episode online I will send you the link.


    2. Thanks! Hulu won't show it unless you're a member, which I'm not.

  5. I was stuck in a hotel for a couple of months with nothing but a tv and swimming pool that was to cold to use so i saw a couple of them. id like to see more but i dont have netflix or anything but i do like them and would see more if i could


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.