
Monday, January 27, 2014

Reader's Choice

After a long hiatus, Reader's Choice has made its return! Because a few newcomers have followed J and J Production since my last Reader's Choice post, the basic idea is for you, the reader, to comment with what post of the ones below that you would like me to post in the coming weeks. Below I have various posts that I have written for you to choose from and they are sorted by categories like anime, old reviews, ect. Additionally, tomorrow I will post my spoiler review of Sherlock: "The Empty Hearse" since it was officially released in America last week, and my reviews for the other episodes will be released not long after the episodes are released in America. 

Top 9 Novels

New Movie Reviews:
Pacific Rim
The Great Gatsby
Taken 2 Review
Trouble with the Curve Review 

Older Movie Reviews:
American Graffiti Review
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Review
Beetlejuice Review
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Review
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Review
Stranger than Fiction Review
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Review

Anime Reviews:
Akira Review
Cowboy Bebop Review (series and movie)
Ghost in the Shell Review
Interstella 5555 Review
Perfect Blue Review
The Melancholy/Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Review
Neon Genesis Evangelion Review
Spirited Away
Steins Gate Review
Summer Wars Review

Mass Effect 2 Review

Here is the projected posting schedule for the coming week.
Tuesday: Sherlock: "The Empty Hearse" Review
Wednesday: Fate/Zero Review
Thursday: Agents of SHIELD: Seeds Review
Friday: Coming Soon: February 2014 (guest post by Jordan)

Note: Sorry for the delay with the Top Dynamic Duos list. It has turned out to be much harder to write about, so it might have to wait until my summer break to figure things about it. 

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I'd be interested to hear what you thought of The Great Gatsby. :)

  2. Glad to see this back again :) I'd like to see reviews of- Spirited Away, Pacific Rim, The Great Gatsby(I'll be reading the book soon), Cowboy Bebop, as well as the Top 9 Novels.
    I'll also be looking forward to the upcoming reviews :)

  3. The Great Gatsby and American Graffiti!:)

  4. I would love to see your Top 9 Novels and any of the older movie reviews, especially The Good The Bad and the Ugly, and the Treasure of the Sierre Madre!

  5. The Great Gatsby, Pacific Rim, Top 9 Novels would be cool, Beetlejuice! and the Cowboy Bebop anime thing. :)


  6. Top 9 novels! That sounds cool!

    And any/all of these:

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    Stranger Than Fiction
    The Great Gatsby

  7. I would soon love to wait for Pacific Rim and this review of a movie will be posted online for a week.

  8. Because I'm biased, I'd go for Top 9 Novels. And I'd read practically every anime review you'll post. Also, Pacific Rim.

  9. I'd love to read a Pacific Rim and Great Gatsby review along with a Ghost in the Shell review.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.