
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Marvel Females Countdown (Guest Post)

Today I want to welcome a new member to the J and J Productions 1809 team, Ashley Tara from Livin' Free.

Hey y'all! I'm Ashley, and this is my first guest post here on J and J Productions! I've been a fan of this blog for a good long time and I'm excited to share my countdown for one of my favorite fandoms: Marvel. More specifically, I want to highlight Marvel's leading ladies in the recent cinematic universe. Out of the many fictional universes out there, I believe Marvel has done one of the best jobs of consistently creating and re-creating strong female characters in their movies, and this three part post series is counting down my top eleven favorite Marvel females who make it look good to fight like a girl!

My main focus is on the female characters associated with The Avengers franchise, but honorable mentions to the X-Men ladies, Gwen Stacey, and all the other fantastic characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

11. Skye

Every one of the females of Marvel are amazing in their own way, but I have to put Skye from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at number 11. I thought her character was very interesting and funny in the pilot episode, and it went down hill for several episodes while she became part of the team and faded into the background a bit. However she never fails to be humorous and add a human touch to the seriousness of S.H.I.E.L.D, not to mention that her "super power" of hacking adds a unique and useful skill to the roster. In recent episodes she's really started to own up to the strong female character name established by the ladies before her. I'm looking forward to seeing her backstory unfold as she becomes a part of the team.

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10. Jemma Simmons

I follow an agent with an agent, but it's not to say Jemma Simmons doesn't have her own "super powers" to get her recognized on this list. Her scientific expertise mixed with her down to earth, innocent personality adds real diversity to the definition of strong. With her resourcefulness and passion for science, she's proven herself a valuable member of Agent Coulson's team. I also really love the chemistry (pun intended) she has with Leo Fitz; their relationship is quite adorable. See?

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9. Agent Melinda May

Agent May is undoubtedly the most "kick butt" agent since Black Widow. Her mysterious nature (and past) mixed with her quiet confidence, readiness to act, hidden sense of humor and kindness, and overall leadership makes her a very complex character that's interesting to see in action. Although my respect for her character dropped a bit after the affair with Agent Ward showed up in a recent episode, she's still someone I want to see defeat the darkness outside and within.

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Numbers 8, 7, and 6 coming your way soon!

Thanks Ashley for a fun post! Be sure to check back in the future for the next part of her list.


  1. Great post, Ashley! :D I agree, Marvel has definitely done a very good job with it's female characters, especially The Avengers and X-Men franchises :D. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the list :).

  2. AHH, Ashley, you've guest posted here! *SQUEE* :D This is a great post idea; I look forward to seeing more. :)

    I love Marvel women, they are so diverse in personality and qualities of strength. Covering the three here, while I actually don't care for Skye or May that much at all, I absolutely adore Jemma. But I don't know how anyone could NOT like her and Fitz! :D


  3. Ashley!!!!! Hiiiiiiiii!
    This is an awesome post! Nice job!


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.