
Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking Ahead in 2014

2014 will hopefully be another awesome year for geeks and for blogging. Here is a list of various things that I look forward to in coming year, however it will not feature the movies that are coming out next year because that is another post entirely. These picks are things that I am looking forward to like television, news on 2015 movies, video games, and other things in general that I am excited about. Also the list is in no particular order.

Star Wars: Episode VII News and Teaser Trailer
Without a doubt, any news regarding Star Wars: Episode VII is the thing that I most excited for in 2014. Eventually, Abrams and crew have to cast the movie at some point. The waiting for more details is getting absurd! At least we know that the movie will be released in December of 2015.

Sherlock Season 3
After almost two years of waiting and Sherlock season three is almost here! If you live in the UK, you have probably already seen the first episode, but we Americans still have to wait a little while longer. Even though I have tried to avoid as many spoilers as possible, I but I really hope that something that happened in season two is explained in detail in the first episode.

The New Doctor
Matt Smith's brilliant run as the Doctor has come to a close, however Peter Capaldi looks as though he will do an excellent job in the role. Hopefully he will have the right amount of seriousness and humor, and let's hope the writing for the next season make more sense. Too bad we have to until the fall season before we get more Doctor Who. Also, look for an entire post about what I want to see in the next season of Doctor Who.

Coulson's Secret on Agents of SHIELD
After an unexpected twist in the Agents of SHIELD mid-season finale, we might actually discover how Coulson survived his encounter with the "Asgardian Mussolini." Considering that Centipede wants him, it would seem likely that he is not an LMD (robot) as we have previous speculated. Maybe he was brought back partially with science and partially with magic. 

The Walking Dead Returns
After becoming a fan of the Walking Dead television series last year, I am eagerly awaiting the second half of season four. Most likely, I will try and review each episode as it airs similarly to how I review Agents of SHIELD weekly. Hopefully there will be enough people interested to make the reviews worth writing.

Attack on Titan's English Dub
Before any sub fans go ballistic and start screaming that I should just watch the sub, I have a very good reasoning behind waiting. My brother is not a fan of anime at all. I have tried to get him to watch Sword Art Online, which he liked for a short time and then stopped watching, but Attack on Titan seems like the type of series that we will both enjoy, and he will only watch dubs. Other than that reason, Funimation almost always makes excellent dubs, and considering that Attack on Titan is the most popular modern anime right now, I doubt that they will deliver something low quality.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer
With Avengers: Age of Ultron being released in the summer of next year, one would think a trailer, or at least a teaser, will be released before the year's end. In all likelihood, a teaser could be attached in front of Guardians of the Galaxy. Aside from Star Wars: Episode VII, Age of Ultron is easily my most anticipated film of next year.

Halo 5 and the Xbox One
With the recent release of the next generation of consoles, Halo 5 was announced, which makes me excited to see what happens next in the series. Other than Mass Effect, the Halo series is my favorite video game franchise, and considering the ending of Halo 4, I have to know what happens next in the story. Additionally, I am hoping for a slight price cut of the absurdly overpriced Xbox One during the Holiday season later this year, which is when I will most likely buy the console.

Man of Steel/Batman vs. Superman Trailer
Since the announcement that Wonder Woman will make appearance in the Man of Steel sequel, aka "Half-a**ed Attempt at a Justice League Movie," my expectations for the movie, whatever it will be named, are uncertain. In the near future, I hope to have a full post discussing the future of the DC cinematic universe and how poorly Warner Brothers and DC are handling it at this point. Despite this, let's hope that the trailer will suppress our doubts when it is released later next year.

Mass Effect 4 News
Despite the infamous ending of Mass Effect 3, I still love the franchise and it is my all-time video game franchise. A few images of Mass Effect 4 have been released and they suggest a possible prequel, which would seem like the best idea considering what happened at the end of Mass Effect 3. According to sources, news on the game is likely to be released in the coming months.

What are you looking forward to the most in 2014? Please comment below and let me know. Also please check back tomorrow for a special Sherlock surprise.

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  1. I'm looking forward to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Captain America 2 to come out. I agree-I'm looking forward to finding out what Coulson's secret is, but I highly doubt they'll go down the clone or LMD theory. I'm looking forward to the New Doctor, and I hope they'll release promotional pictures soon for his outfit-it'd make sense as they're supposed to start filming either today or sometime this week-and I'm looking forward to what Season (Series) Eight will bring. Hopefully, we'll find out something about Star Wars 7 soon, as they're supposed to start filming in spring, so hopefully that means they have a cast-if they don't then they're cutting it close.
    I figure that, like with the last one, the Avengers 2: Age of Ultron trailer will be released probably at the end of the credits on one of the movies. I'm not sure just depends on when they start filming.
    Looking forward to the rest of 2014!

    1. Those are among the top movies that I am looking forward to as well! The movies will be included on my Top movies of 2014 which is coming soon. :)
      Considering what has been said about Coulson, I agree the LMD theory seems less and less likely to happen. I know, we need some official pictures of the New Doctor would be great.

      Yeah, a post credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy will be the most likely place to see a teaser for the Age of Ultron.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree, this next year is going to be a great year for geeks! :D I'm really looking forward to The Hobbit: There and Back Again trailers(and film release); definitely my most anticipated film of the year; The Avengers: Age of Ultron also sounds very exciting so seeing a trailer for it is definitely something I'm looking forward to, as well as more Sherlock, Agents of SHIELD, Doctor Who, and Mocking Jay part 2, the new Captain America and the new Spider-Man films.

    1. Hopefully we can have three straight years of awesome geekiness! :) Oh yes, There and Back Again is mine as well and I still haven't seen DOS yet! Those are all things that I am looking forward too also. :D


  4. I'm looking forward to Sherlock and The Walking Dead this year!!! I will also appreciate news for Star Wars although I am still nervous and uncertain about the whole idea of another movie. :)


    1. I am more confidence in Ep. 7, but I am really worrying about the spinoff movies like the a Han Solo origins movie. Please no!


  5. Captain America 2! More Sherlock! And more Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I'm also looking forward to the new show Intelligence that premieres tomorrow night, though I don't know which network it's on because I'll have to catch it on Hulu in a few days.

    1. I believe I have recorded Intelligence, or will record it when it comes on. I hope it is good!


    2. Starts tonight -- I'll be watching it on as soon as it's available, probably Wed or Thu.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.