
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Agents of SHIELD: Seeds Review

"Seeds" finally reveals Skye's secret and a new villain from the comic book universe has been introduced.
*Spoilers are ahead. If you have not seen the episode, you can watch it at this link.*
Well, that was unexpected, Skye might actually have superpowers of some sort, and she is certainly not May's daughter, which is good, albeit expected at this point. From what has been revealed, no other character in the Marvel universe matches her origin of being a 0-8-4 in China when she was a child. Of the reveals thus far in the series, this is, by far, the best. Her backstory was mostly explained and it surprisingly works. Good job writers this time for not making something predictable and actually giving us something! Despite being one of my favorite characters of the series earlier on in its run, she has dropped considerably from where she was previously. She has been kind of annoying, but I like the way the character handled her origin, and I hope we are given even more to think about in the next episodes. Even though Skye is said to be from China, the actress, Chloe Bennet, is half Chinese and half Jewish American. Will her heritage play into her origin at all in the show? I do not know. I wonder if she is the daughter of a supervillain like others have suggested.
As for the rest of the episode taking place at the SHIELD Academy. Getting to see more of Fitz and Simmons backstory was fun, and seeing how all the students look up to them was also cool. Now it is clear why they were chosen for Coulson's team. A young genius student at the academy, Donnie Gill, was introduced to the series. In the comics, Donnie Gill took the name Blizzard in the comics, and while I believe his frost powers came from some technology used, this version appears to have gained powers from his invention that malfunctioned, thus giving him the ability freeze things apparently.

Overall: 8.5/10- Overall, "Seeds" finally gave us some answers that we were hoping to hear about Skye's secret past, and it setup a new villain for the team to face.

Also, if anyone is unaware, the series has taken a two week break and it will return on February 4th.

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  1. Great review! :) I agree, I really enjoyed Skye's backstory and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. Weirdly enough, this has probably been one of my favorite episodes of the season- I don't know why, but I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next episode :)

    1. Thank you! :) I know, I really hope that Skye's powers, or whatever makes her special, are as satisfying as I hope it will be. I can see why, it was a strong episode for the most part. I really can't find anything bad about the episode actually.


  2. Thanks for that notice. I was really confused when ABC had Shield reruns already for the last two weeks. I don't watch any other shows, so I'm not used to sudden breaks mid-season.

    1. Most shows don't stop like AOS did, but I think it had something to with the President's speech. I am not entirely sure though.


  3. Great Review as always! I was just able to watch the episode today, and it was great. I just want to know how Skye (who's one of my favorite characters on the show, along with Fitzsimmons and Coulson), could have been an 0-8-4. We get answers that just leave us with more questions! Looking forward to the next episode! I believe (spoilers ahead, I suppose), this is the episode that features a cameo from the living legend, Stan Lee. Looking forward to the next episode (which is called Tracks, I think)
    Again, great review as always!

    1. Thank you T.M.! I agree, we need to know more about Skye! I sure hope the next at least hints at something. :) Yes, I have heard about Stan's cameo and I can't wait to see it!



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