
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top 5 Christmas Movies

Merry Christmas everyone! With Christmas right around the corner, it seemed like a good time to rank my favorite Christmas movies. For this list, Christmas movies are defined as any movie that takes place on, or around Christmas. Please note that there are a few famous Christmas movies that I have not seen, like A Christmas Story, or Miracle on 34th Street. Without further ado, here is the list. Please comment and let me know what your favorite Christmas flicks are.

Honorable Mention: Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol
Since Doctor Who's adaptation the classic story, "A Christmas Carol" is not strictly a film, I had to include it as an honorable mention. Among adaptations of Dickens' story, this is easily my favorite and one of the most fun to watch. Matt Smith is brilliant with his wackiness and it is just an all around well told story with a bittersweet ending.

At Number 5: Home Alone
Home Alone is the Christmas movie that I watched every Christmas as a kid. While it does not hold up as well as other movies on the list, it is a movie that I had to include on the list.

At Number 4: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the hands down funniest Christmas movie for me at least. The National Lampoon Vacation series in general is among my favorite comedies for their absurd, and sometimes crude, humor, and Christmas Vacation might be the best of the series. Chevy Chase is positively hilarious and the entire movie leaves me laughing hysterically! 

At Number 3: It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life is the quintessential classic film. James Stewart gives an amazing performance as he always does as George Bailey. The film also manages to provide a great Christmas message while not being overly corny.

At Number 2: Elf
Elf is probably my favorite movies to watch around Christmas time. Along with Stranger than Fiction, Elf is almost one of my favorite Will Feral movies. Elf manages have family friendly humor, yet it is actually hilarious, unlike 95% of family films, which are not funny at all. If you have not seen Elf, watch it; it is a ton of fun and has a fun story without feeling too cheesy. Please check back tomorrow for my full review of Elf.

At Number 1: Die Hard
Even though Die Hard is not strictly a Christmas movie, nor is it one that I feel I need to watch around Christmas, the film does take place on Christmas and it does have Christmas music. If I was making a list of movies that are strictly Christmas movies, Elf would be number one, but Die Hard is an undeniable classic action flick and one of my all-time favorites. If you didn't already figure it out, John McClain never wore a Santa in the movie, that is photoshoped. "Now I have a machine gun ho ho ho." If you do not agree that Die Hard is a Christmas flick, I do not entirely disagree, it is on the borderline. 

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  1. Home Alone, Elf, and Its A Wonderful Life are some of my favorite too! I didn't like Christmas Vacation only because my dad was obsessed with it and it killed it for me. And I didnt think it was funny.
    I've also never seen a Christmas Story. Sorry, not sorry.
    But if that's your definition of a Christmas movie then Im going to say another one of my favorites is Iron Man 3:)

    1. Cool! :) Christmas Vacation's humor is not for everyone, so I can see why.

      Oh, Iron Man 3 is an awesome pick! :D I should have thought about it because it would have easily taken my number one spot.


  2. I've only seen Home Alone many times and it was the best. I specifically love to try National Lampoon or It's a Wonderful Life but great list, anyways.

  3. I really should see Elf, as I quite liked Stranger Than Fiction. On your list, I've also seen It's a Wonderful Life (love it), Die Hard (like it a lot) and Home Alone (don't like it much at all). My own list of my 10 favorite Christmas movies is here, as you know :-)

    1. Yes you should, Elf is a lot of fun, especially since you liked Stranger Than Fiction. Home Alone is one of my favorites mainly because I watched it so many times when I was a kid, but I can see why you did not like it. Your list is great as well; I enjoyed reading it!


  4. I still haven't seen Home Alone-- I did see part of the second movie on TV once, if that can count for something! A Christmas Story is one of my favorite Christmas movies, it gets me and my family laughing every single time. DIE HARD, AHHHH, I NEED TO WATCH THAT THIS WEEK! I also like Silent Night with Linda Hamilton and It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street (the old one!)


    1. I would not recommend go out of your way to watch Home Alone, but it is a fun movie. I need to watch A Christmas Story at some point since everyone likes it. I need to watch Die Hard again as well, but that probably will not happen. I will have to look into those movies too.


  5. I'm surprised you've never seen A Christmas Story, especially since TNT puts it on repeat ALL of Christmas Day. You have a great list (except DW: A Christmas Carol...minus the singing it wasn't that good). The Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol...brilliant. It's A Wonderful Life is simply brilliant, and I've grown fond of Arthur Christmas. I also confess to getting a kick out of an unrecognized holiday classic. That's right...Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

    1. Nope, my brother and father tried watching once, but never finished it. I do not really know how or why I haven't seen it though. I have heard of that version of A Christmas Carol before. I may have seen part of it before, but I definitely need to watch it. Arthur Christmas seems to be a movie that I need to watch since everyone likes it. I will have to look into Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. It sounds like it would be a lot of cheesy and ridiculous fun.



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